Little Taxes; Death By A Thousand Cuts

Socialist Bernie Sanders wants to be president and his rhetoric of promising everyone everything (to the tune of 18 TRILLION dollars) is hitting home with the “me” generation and the Gimmiedats.

They all like Bernie’s idea of taxing the rich more to pay for the millennial’s needs. Why yes, tax those greedy rich suckers and give us more stuff.

There is no way to tax the rich and pay for what Bernie wants to give away (notice he is very generous with OTHER people’s money). If Bernie could confiscate 100% of the money the wealthy have (even up to about the top 40% of those considered wealthy, not just the 1%) it would not be enough money to run the government for more than a few months. After that the well would be dry and there would need to be new sources of cash to feed the left’s insatiable appetite.

But Bernie wants to give stuff away. He wants a paid family leave program where people could have time off and get paid. His example is for a woman who gives birth. Bernie thinks she should get paid time off and of course everyone else pays for that.

You see, he wants to add just a little to the payroll tax to finance his paid time off plan. It is just a little bit he says but he also says it will affect all workers. To the socialist all must pay in to help the others.

So now the young “me” generation will have to foot the bill for people to have time off.

Many of them might think that is Ok but what happens when the little bit taken is not enough to pay for the program? Then the little bit more in taxes becomes a whole lot more in taxes. We already know that no government program ever dies so getting rid of it will be out of the question. No, we just need a little bit more on top of the little bit we take already.

Pretty soon all the little bits add up to a whole lot. It ends up being death by a thousand cuts.

And more people end up barely making ends meet while their hard earned cash goes to care for people who took life decisions that did not involve them.

Most millennials are not very bright and they will complain about the taxes and then vote for the next liberal/progressive/socialist who promises more free stuff.

These youngsters just can figure out that nothing is free. Someone, somewhere has to pay for it.

And it will end up being them.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Until You Run Out…

A quote attributed to Margaret Thatcher is; “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” For some reason the socialists don’t see it this way. It might be because the socialist politicians will not run out of their own money because any policies they enact would not affect them. Bernie Sanders is a socialist and he thinks we should tax the wealthy even more.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-described socialist, called for a progressive estate tax on multi-millionaires and billionaires during a speech on Saturday. Washington Times

It is not bad enough that the wealthy pay the bulk of the taxes, Sanders would tax their estates (wealth that has already been taxed a number of times) to pay off the bills. Well, that is what he says but it just means more money for government to waste.

The wealthy follow the tax laws written by weathy people in Congress and those laws favor wealth because Congress critters do not like to pay taxes. They like YOU to pay taxes.

The best way to reduce the deficit and pay off our bills is to reduce spending.

It would also do us well to reform the tax code so that ALL wage earners pay a flat tax. Then the wealthy in Congress could not write laws that favor themselves and their friends and then scream about some alleged loophole when they want more money.

Sanders is an idiot who probably needs instructions to breathe.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Pay Your Taxes

Move On has a misleading post at its website that comes from Socialist Bernie Sanders and it is a list of the top ten companies that paid no taxes last year. I do not know if the companies paid taxes but if they did not then they worked within the tax guidelines set into law by Congress, of which Sanders is a member. If they paid no taxes because of the tax laws then this happened because of Sanders and the rest of the people in Congress who have given us a cumbersome and unfair tax system.

The misleading part comes in the introduction where Move On starts by indicating; “Come April 15, everybody ponies up their fair share, right?”

This is patently false but is designed to turn people against the big evil companies that paid no taxes. The lie comes in the question about everyone ponying up their fair share. The reality is that not everyone ponies up a fair share. The bottom 50% of taxpayers pay 3% of the taxes and most of the folks in the bottom 50% not only don’t pay taxes but, because of tax credits, they get money back. That is correct, they get all that they paid in during the year AND THEN SOME. If Sanders is looking for freeloaders then why does he not start with the millions of Americans who not only pay no taxes but get more back then they ever paid in? Why does he not worry about the billions of dollars we are losing 1) because people are not paying any taxes and 2) because taxpayer money is being redistributed to them rather than going to pay our bills?

While Sanders cries about corporations that paid no taxes (and the truth to that is yet to be seen) 45% of households paid NO income taxes in 2010. How can he be looking for freeloaders without looking at that 45%?

The wealthy in this country pay most of the taxes and though they have paid less in recent years everyone has paid less. That is, those who actually pay taxes have paid less. Those who pay no taxes actually make out in the deal because our government has made the IRS a big government wealth redistribution center where those who pay taxes send it to the government where the IRS takes it and redistributes it to those who paid nothing giving them a net increase.

If people like Sanders are concerned about the tax situation in this country then why don’t they sit down and make a serious effort to fix it so that it is fair and equitable to all and so that everyone pays a fair share?

The tax breaks for companies can be removed and the corporate tax rate reduced. The IRS can be eliminated by having a flat tax of 11% across the board for every person who earns income. MAKE EVERYONE PAY.

This would have to come with a rule forbidding Congress from raising the rates unless 75% of the House and Senate voted on it. While we are at it we could get a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution to force Congress to live within its means.

There are plenty of things that can be done to fix the broken system and set us on the path to prosperity.

One thing that is of no help is for people like Socialist Sanders to cry about companies not paying their fair share when they follow the rules people like Sanders implemented all the while ignoring the nearly 50% of workers who not only pay no taxes but get someone else’s money to boot.

The class warfare crap is no longer going to work. We will not sit around and listen to members of Congress whine about people who follow the very rules that Congress laid out.

Make it fair for everyone because the workers who pay taxes are tired of people piling on for our money while Congress pecks at our wallets like buzzards on roadkill.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Bernie Sanders Has No Shame

Socialist Congressman Bernie Sanders of Vermont has absolutely no shame. Sanders sent out a fund raising email playing on the tragedy in Arizona to get people to donate to his reelection campaign. Sanders went so far as to blame the incident on conservatives, talk radio, big business and anything else he could use to try and tie conservatives to the tragedy.

Sanders is despicable and should resign from Congress.

He is using a tragedy that was caused by one thing and one thing only. A nut decided to kill people. There is absolutely NOTHING that can be done to stop a person determined to do harm. Even if the most stringent gun laws ever devised were in place this guy would still have been able to obtain a weapon and kill people. It happens all the time in cities where there are strict gun laws in place.

This tragedy affected many lives and lost in all this is how it is playing on the parents of the nut who did this. Evidently, the nut was allowed to avoid intervention because his mother works for the government there but this does not negate the fact that they are victims of their son’s violence as well.

This is a tragedy of epic proportions and Bernie Sanders is blaming conservatives and using the event to raise money.

He is the lowest form of life an should be drummed out of Congress.

Perhaps Bernie is trying to raise money because he is worried about his seat in 2012. He should, he is now in the cross hairs…

Rush Limbaugh was right. The Democrats are trying to profit from this.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Classic Filibuster

Bernie Sanders, as I write this, has been talking for 6+ hours on the Senate floor to prevent voting on, well, anything. While he’s babbling on about how wonderful socialism is, and how bad it is that any people have something that others don’t, I love the classic filibuster. That’s how you’re supposed to filibuster — get up there and talk. The “new” filibuster, where a Senator just claims they’re doing it is crap. Keep babbling, Bernie!

I hope he goes for a week so they can’t get anything done. The less they do, the better off (in general) people are.


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