Mickey Rourke Does Not Blame Everything On Bush

Actor Mickey Rourke has had a rocky career and he finally made it back after some difficult times. He received an award the other night for his part in a movie about a wrestler. Good for him.

Interestingly, this Hollywood type is not the typical deranged Bush basher. Most actors are so upset with President Bush they can’t see straight and their minds go numb and they act like bigger morons than they really are whenever his name is mentioned. They call it Bush Derangement Syndrome for a reason.

Rourke though, has a different take on it. Rourke said he does not blame everything on Bush and that given what has happened he did the best he could.

He tells the publication, “President Bush was in the wrong place at the wrong time, I don’t know how anyone could have handled this situation.

“I don’t give a f**k who’s in office, Bush or whoever, there is no simple solution to this problem… I’m not one of those who blames Bush for everything. This s**t between Christians and Muslims goes back to the Crusades, doesn’t it.

“It’s too easy to blame everything on one guy. These are unpredictable, dangerous times, and I don’t think that anyone really knows quite what to do.” Daily Express

It is kind of a shame that Rourke actually said this. His career might be on the rise again after a long dry spell and now he will probably never work again. Once the liberals in Hollywood find out he said something good about Bush he will be blackballed big time. Rourke will be lucky to get a job doing commercials for dog food.

At least he gets it. At least he understands that no one person is to blame for it all and that some things can’t actually be blamed on someone. He was right when he said that no matter who it was, it would have been tough to handle.

Only one week to go and the liberals will not have Bush to kick around and they won’t have Republicans to blame. They will have the whole shooting match and all the blame that goes around.

Who am I kidding? Unlike Mickey Rourke, the liberals will [continue to] blame Bush for everything.

Big Dog

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