The Cover-Up At A Fast And Furious Pace

There has been a tendency on the part of this administration [Bush Administration] to try to hide behind Executive Privilege every time there is something a little shaky taking place and I think the administration would be best served by coming clean on this. ~ Senator Barack Obama

Attorney General Eric Holder is involved in a very bad cover-up of wrong doing in a little thing known as Fast and Furious. Fast and Furious was an illegal gun running operation conducted under the direction of Holder. It was all designed to allow the Obama regime to enact strict gun control but went south when guns the regime allowed to flow into Mexico showed up at murders, including the murder of a Border Patrol Agent. Make no mistake, the guns were allowed to run into Mexico because the Justice Department forced gun dealers to make illegal sales.

Holder has been under investigation for nearly a year and has stonewalled every step of the way. He refuses to release documents relating to the illegal operation and a vote to hold him in contempt looms in the House.

Through all of this the Obama regime claimed ignorance of the operation (and they even blame it on, wait for it, Bush). BTW, this has been disproved) and Holder has done his best to protect Obama from being implicated in the operation. Obama did not see anything, has no knowledge and is not involved.

Eric Holder wrote a letter to Barack Obama asking him to invoke Executive Privilege to cover the documents that Holder does not want to release. Barack Obama did indeed invoke Executive Privilege. Now, if Obama has never seen them and was not involved then how could he possibly know they are documents that should be protected by Executive Privilege? It seems that Barack Obama knows what is in those documents and he is invoking Executive Privilege in order to assist Holder in the cover-up.

This is the same Barack Obama who, as a Senator, said that he was against hiding behind Executive Privilege. This video is from an interview on the Larry King Show:

When Richard Nixon was president there was a little thing called Watergate. Nixon was threatened with impeachment and eventually resigned from office because of it. It is believed that Nixon was not involved in the decision to conduct the break in, his staff was involved in that. Nixon got in trouble because after he was informed about it he was implicated in the cover-up that took place. The reason Nixon was implicated is because he had a recording system in his office and there were tapes of the meetings where the cover-up was discussed. Nixon attempted to assert Executive Privilege to keep the tapes from being released but the Supreme Court ruled that he had to hand them over.

Nixon attempted to assert Executive Privilege in order to cover-up the wrong doing and he ended up losing his job under threat of impeachment (and the certainty he would be found guilty by the Senate). Does this sound familiar?

Today Barack Obama had his Richard Nixon moment and time will tell if he will be treated the same way by the Democrats and their media wing.

Where are Woodward and Bernstein now?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Men In Barack III, Will Smith And Taxes

Actor Will Smith (Fresh Prince, Men in Black) is a supporter of Barack Obama so much so that Smith believes in Obama’s call for higher taxes on the wealthy (where wealthy is redefined to get money from those of modest means). Smith, in fact, is “very supportive of that idea [raising taxes]”.

“I’m very supportive of that idea,” Smith told The Associated Press in an interview. “America has been fantastic to me. I have no problem paying whatever I need to pay to keep my country growing.” Comcast via the AP

Will Smith has not always felt that way because he, like many liberals, did not pay enough in taxes (he evidently had a problem paying what was needed to keep the country growing). When Smith started making a lot of money he underpaid his taxes. He ended up owing 2.8 MILLION dollars to the IRS and had most of his property confiscated and his wages garnished to pay his tax bill.

I guess when he was making all that money and spending it like there was no tomorrow he was not concerned or “supportive” of taxes. He was nearly bankrupt when the IRS got done with him, or as he said, they took all my stuff.

Smith is now supportive of higher taxes because he will, no doubt, find ways to exempt some of his income by giving it to the Church of Scientology. Smith could pay more if he was truly supportive.

Hey Will, the Treasury will accept money from folks to pay off the debt. Here is a link to the Treasury website where you can read about the program and then make a donation of as much money as you wish. You can even give them the entire 20 million dollars you will make for MIB III, if you are really supportive.

I am willing to bet that Smith will not be writing a check to the Treasury to help with the debt. He is supportive because this is an election year and he wants to help Obama. He was not supportive when he failed to pay his taxes and he will not be supportive by donating to the Treasury.

Will, I am supportive of cutting spending. I am supportive of getting government out of things it has no business in. I am supportive of limited government and people being able to keep the fruits of their labor.

You obviously believe that for yourself despite your support for higher taxes.

Who knows? Maybe Smith used a flashy thing to erase his memory…

Lord knows Obama would like to have one of those to use on the public before election day.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Squeals; Upsets Seals

Barack Obama opposed everything George Bush did with regard to the Global War on Terror (and nearly everything else). He opposed all of the things that led to the killing of Osama bin Laden and when Seal Team Six carried out that mission Obama told Americans that he would not show pictures or make a lot out of it because, as he said, we don’t spike the ball.

That did not stop Barack Obama from taking all the credit for the success of the mission. Obama turned the mission over to a Naval Officer, Admiral William McRaven, and it was he who put the plans into place. Then Seal Team Six carried the mission to success. All of this was done with the mechanisims put into place by George Bush. Then Obama took all the credit.

Congrats to him for giving the order to carry out the mission. That is where his credit ends and the credit begins for all thoise who were actually in harm’s way. You see, while Obama might have suffered political damage from a failure, those who carried out the mission would have suffered injury or death had things gone badly. One only needs to remember Jimmy Carter and his disasterous plans in Iran to see what happens when a mission goes bad. Carter lost reelection but is still alive. Those who participated in his ill conceived mission in the desert have been dead for decades.

Now, the Navy Seals are not very happy with Barack Obama. They give him credit for giving the go on the mission but are very unhappy that he is using it as a political tool in his bid for reelection. They do not like being props for Obama’s campaign and they do not like the spotlight on them or their actions. They are upset that Obama is claiming that only he would have given the order and that Mitt Romney (the presumptive Republican nominee) would not have done so.

There is no way to know what Romney would have done but the Seals believe that any president would have given the order.

I have to disagree with that a little. While I have no doubt that Romney possesses leadership abilities and would have given the order, I have to disagree with the idea that any president would have.

Bill Clinton had the opportunity to take out Bin Laden on three occasions and he declined to do so. There is no doubt that Clinton had Osama bin laden in our crosshairs three times and each time he said no. One of his advisors (Sandy Berger) even stole papers from the National Archives to cover up information relating to this. If Bill Clinton had given the order on any of those occasions 9/11 might not have happened.

Ironically, the campaign ad the Seals are upset with features Bill Clinton telling viewers that Obama took the harder and more honorable path when he ordered that bin Laden be killed. This means that Clinton took the easier and less honorable path.

It is also interesting to note that the ad starts with the word Forward which has been a Socialist slogan for a very long time.

It was a great day for America and the world when Obama put into action the plans made possible by George Bush and ended the life of Osama bin Laden. It is not so honorable for the leader of this country to use this for political gain in order to be reelected.

The Navy Seals don’t like it and in the overall scheme of things their opinion matters more than that of Obama.

He gave the order but they risked it all to make it happen.

And it is not just the Seals who think this…

Is the luster wearing off?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Other Rich Need To Do Something

Moochelle Obama was out on the campaign trail, no doubt proud of her country for the first time in her life, and she was talking about how the rich need to do more for the poor. She is likely unaware that the top 50% of wage earners (the rich would be located at the top of that group) pay all the federal income taxes in this country and the bottom 50% get that tax money in the form of social programs. She is also probably not aware that social programs enacted by Democrats have enslaved people to government and kept them from achieving.

Obama asked:

“Will we be a country where success is limited to the few at the top? This country is strongest when we are all better off.” Washington Examiner

Obama is not aware that success is not limited to the few at the top. Anyone in America who has the desire and the education can succeed. What Obama really means is are we going to allow people on welfare to get fewer benefits because the rich are already taxed too much? Yes, the rich pay most of the federal taxes in this country and progressives have redistributed that money for all kinds of unconstitutional and unnecessary programs in the name of social justice.

They do not care that their programs keep people enslaved. Let me rephrase, they care but not for the reasons sane people would. They care because they want, no they NEED, people to be enslaved to government. It is how they continue to get people voting for them and their agenda to rob the rich to pay the poor. Theirs is a plan that has always led to failure. It has taken nearly a century but the failure of Democrat social programs becomes more evident each day. It will only get worse.

The ironic thing is that Obama and her hubby, Barack, are both rich and they also live life high on the hog on taxpayer money. Moochelle goes on expensive vacations (16 in the last three years, some with her husband, some without) that cost the taxpayers lots of money. The argument that it is part of the gig does not hold water. We are in tough economic times and we cannot afford such extravagance. If Obama and her hubby want people to sacrifice (they keep saying we all need to sacrifice – shared sacrifice they call it) they need to lead by example. Every few weeks she is off on another trip with hoards of people and he is on a golf course someplace. Sacrifice, yes for you but not for them. They are American royalty, after all.

Another ironic thing is that Moochelle was saying all of this to people who are very wealthy and who paid a lot of money to hear her talk. The money was raised to help keep her husband in office.

It was probably a drop in the bucket since Barack has been using billions of dollars in taxpayer money to buy votes and get donations. His waste of taxpayer money on green energy companies that end up going out of business and leaving the taxpayer with billions in losses is a scheme to get him more campaign cash. This is also true of his union bailouts and gifts of taxpayer money.

This group of thugs is a criminal enterprise. It is nothing more than Chicago style politics and that means it is corrupt from beginning to end.

Maybe instead of asking the wealthy to sacrifice more than they already have Moochelle could ask unpatriotic folks who pay NO taxes to pony up and get some skin in the game.

And maybe she and hubby could give up those expensive meals they love to stuff in their faces

It is hard to discuss how we are all better off by having the rich sacrifice more when the Obamas routinely eat $150 a POUND Wagyu steak.

Moochelle does not care if we are all better off as long as she is better off.

I guess she is living in one of those two Americas John Edwards used to talk about.

And you can bet your paycheck that it is not the poor one and that she wants to stay there and that she does not care where you are.

It is how progressives work. They use class warfare to pit people against each other. They pretend to worry about the poor while pushing policies that keep people in poverty (or in the case of Barack, put even more people in poverty) and they work hard to make sure they are wealthy and remain that way.

Let’s fire them in November and put some people with class in the White House.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Brokaw Did It To Obama As Well

NBC and Tom Brokaw have expressed displeasure with Mitt Romney for using footage from the 1990s, featuring Brokaw, in ads attacking Newt Gingrich. I read comments posted and people say NBC is imposing on the right to free speech. People are upset that Brokaw and NBC would request Romney to cease and desist.

The most important thing about this is that it is not a free speech issue.

However, Barack Obama used Brokaw in an ad when he was running in 2008 and NBC sent him a cease and desist order as well. In this particular case Brokaw is acting no differently toward the Republican than he did the Democrat. It is easy to see how folks would not see this since the MSM is overwhelmingly liberal and has protected Democrats (particularly Obama) from day one.

What should bother people is Brokaw’s stated reason for not wanting Romney using the clip:

I am extremely uncomfortable with the extended use of my personal image in this political ad. I do no want my role as a journalist compromised for political gain by any campaign. Politico

Who in their right mind thinks of Brokaw as a journalist? That would require objective reporting and proper vetting of political candidates. It would require an allegiance to the public and upholding the tradition of the media being a watchdog for the people of this country.

Brokaw is another member of the media wing of the Democrat party and he has failed to act as a journalist.

A commentator, sure, but in no way a journalist…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
