What is the big deal?

When Barama spoke at Notre Dame Sunday, he thought he and his prompter could smooth the waters of controversy regarding his horrific stance on abortion. He failed the test of sounding statesman- like, instead coming off as an ambivalent slacker determined to have it both ways.
This is becoming more of a problem for him than he would like. While most young people in the crowd and elsewhere have been obliviopus to the fact that Skinny B and his posse regularly hose them because they can, most people who truly listened to the man could see and hear that he was speaking out of both sides of his teleprompter. 

This is a problem for this administration, because according to a Gallup poll, more people identify themselves with the pro- life movement than with the pro- choice.

For the first time since it began asking the question in 1995, Gallup reported Friday, a majority of adults questioned for its annual survey on values and beliefs — 51% — said that when it comes to abortion, they consider themselves “pro-life”; 42% consider themselves “pro-choice.” (The margin of sampling error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.)  LA Times

My personal take on the situation is that people are beginning to shy away from the personal attacks of ridicule that those who choose life are regularly subjected to by those liberals who favor abortion on demand. Ridicule is a tricky weapon- it can backfire on you if you use it too often, or against a sympathetic figure. 

Our country has always loved the underdog, and what could inspire more sympathy than a baby? How someone could favor an abortion over a live baby is beyond me- I attribute this attitude to the fact that we have become a throw- away society.  Everything is temporary- homes now have a one year warranty, and it is now expected that if a home lasts twenty years, it has had a full life. Our dishes are throw- away- witness Dixie cups and plates. Our cars- they are built with a “Planned obsolescence” factor built in. No more “Classic” cars for us- they are built to last a general average of ten years, so we will buy new ones.

But babies are different- they SHOULD BE different. To choose taking a life over saving a life at that innocent age is unreasonable, when there are so many people willing and able to adopt. If the reason that you choose to abort is that of convenience- you do not wish to take the time to see this act you chose to perform seen to it’s rightful conclusion, you are a murderer. There is no difference between what you chose to do, and shooting someone who was ahead of you in the line for a burger- he was inconvenient, and was keeping you from your burger. No difference- wait, there is one- the guy in line ahead of you might have been able to defend himself, the baby never will.

All people who wish to diminish the importance of life do so by referring to the baby as a “fetus”, and yes, that is the technical name for a baby still in the womb, but what do you raging Liberals call him when you have dragged his lifeless body from the protection of his mother’s womb? Do you then call him a baby, because now that he is out from the womb, that is what he is. Oh yes, he is one other thing- he is now dead.

I understand the choices teens and others have to make. My daughter had to make the same decision years ago, and she chose life with adoption, and I have never been prouder- it was her choice, and while we did not approve of abortion, we gave her the information and she made up her own mind. This was not easy for either my wife, or me, but I know the choices my daughter faced were even more difficult for her.

Today however, a couple now has a happy, healthy,  getting into everything boy that they would not have had without my daughter’s choice, and while, as I said before, I do not like Roe v. Wade, it is law- I just pray that abortion is the last choice people consider.

Our children deserve more than to be treated as if they were Dixie Cups.
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