Obama Goes From Stopping To Defending Super PAC Money

Barack Obama said he was against super PACs and their involvement in American politics. He excoriated the Supreme Court for its decision in the matter of political donations during one of his State of the Union Addresses. In 2010 Obama said that PACs were a corporate takeover of our Democracy (we have a Republic). Here is what he had to say about it:

“The worst thing of all they don’t have to reveal who is having to pay for them.” Obama said, criticizing Republicans for “keeping the American public in the dark.”

“We cannot allow a corporate takeover of our democracy,” Obama added, vowing to fight this type of advertising. “Let’s challenge every elected official who benefits from these ads to defend this practice or join us is stopping it.” he declared.

“Millions of Americans are struggling to get by and their voices shouldn’t be drowned out by millions of dollars in secret special interest advertising,” Obama added, “Their voices should be heard.” [emphasis mine] Washington Examiner

Obama said our voices needed to be heard and that the challenge was for every elected official to defend the infusion of PAC money or to join Obama in stopping it.

Looks like the Won, the messiah, the change we can believe in has changed his mind on the subject.

In a change of position, Barack Obama’s reelection campaign will begin using administration and campaign aides to fundraise for Priorities USA Action, a super PAC backing the president. CNN Political Tracker

In a change of position, well he did promise us change.

Obama is now playing the game he said he opposed. He is getting involved in the super PAC game in order to raise money for his reelection effort. His minions (and no doubt his toadies who will read this) claim that he needs to do this because of the large influx of money from super PACs on the Republican side.

Obama is doing this because he needs more money and that is supposed to make it OK. The same argument could be made that those who do not oppose super PAC money take it because they need the money to get elected. They too are outgunned (David Axelrod said there is an “array of guns pointed at us” so is this a violent metaphor we can use to blame him if there is violence?) by the people who they are running against. Democrats get large amounts of money from donors (despite the claims of small donors there are lots of big name and big money donors) and they use that money for Democrats to get elected.

A few years ago when Obama was getting boatloads of money for his campaign would he, Axelrod (or any other Democrat) have accepted the excuse from John McCain that he had an array of guns pointed at him so he needed to take PAC money? Hell no! They would have screamed what Obama said in 2010 about corporations taking over our Democracy.

But since Obama wants the money it is now OK to be involved with super PACs.

Here is a video of Obama slamming John Edwards for claiming to be against this kind of money but taking it. Obama says that you can’t just talk the talk; you have to walk the walk.

Mr. Obama, you are now taking the money when you claim to be opposed to it. You can’t talk the talk; you have to walk the walk.

Obama is a hypocrite. I know that liberals will defend this position because they will claim lil’ Barry has to keep up with opponents but that does not make it right. He said he was against the money so he should not take the money.

Then again, this is the guy who said that George Bush was unpatriotic and demonstrated poor leadership for adding trillions of dollars in debt to the country and then promptly added 5 trillion dollars of debt to the country.

If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you were not a racist you must vote against him in 2012 to prove you are not an idiot.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Come Clean On Those Donors

David Axelrod was on Face the Nation Sunday and he was bashing Republicans, particularly Karl Rove, because of money that goes to ads for Republican candidates. The problem, according to Axelrod, is that the donors names have not been disclosed. The insinuation is that the donors are illegal and a lot of the money is coming from overseas entities. Rove has denied this, his group is following the law, and even The New York Times stated that nothing wrong took place.

This has not stopped the Democrats, including Obama and Biden, from parroting the same lies. The smear, which faithful liberal Alan Colmes is also harping on, is a non starter for Obama and the Democrats.

Nothing wrong is taking place. While I would like to see transparency I also understand that the law is the law and these people are not obligated to disclose the information.

Funny thing is that Obama had no problem with undisclosed donors when it was the donors giving to him during his run for the presidency. Obama still has not come clean on a lot of his donors. He received a lot of money from foreigners and others overseas, in violation of the law. His credit card process had no security and there was rampant abuse when it came to him getting money.

The Obama team’s disclosures came in response to questions from The Washington Post about the case of Mary T. Biskup, a retired insurance manager from Manchester, Mo., who turned up on Obama’s FEC reports as having donated $174,800 to the campaign. Contributors are limited to giving $2,300 for the general election.

Biskup, who had scores of Obama contributions attributed to her, said in an interview that she never donated to the candidate. “That’s an error,” she said. Moreover, she added, her credit card was never billed for the donations, meaning someone appropriated her name and made the contributions with another card. Washington Post

There is no doubt that Obama took illegal donations and that he did not disclose the names of people who sent him money. For him to now cry about the Republicans not disclosing their donors, donors who are legal, smacks of desperation. And this is because he is desperate. The Republicans will gain somewhere between 55 and 70 seats in the House and will either tie the Senate or take a one Senator lead. He is desperate because he is going to take, as George Bush once said, a thumping.

These accusations are baseless and Axelrod looked like a fool trying to push them on Face the Nation. When one considers the response of Bob Schieffer, a left wing supporter, it is easy to see the Democrats are in real trouble.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Story Change We Can Believe In

This is our time, this is the our moment, change is on the way. And with words like these Barack Obama rode a wave of excitement all the way to an election victory marking the first time a black person has won that office and demonstrating that the Constitution means little to him.

Barack Obama’s change we need seems to be everything but what he promised people. The change they thought they were getting is a change of politics as usual in DC but it turns out that Obama is more of the same. He has selected a bunch of retreads from the Clinton years and he has backtracked on a number of his promises. The moonbats are very upset with him because he is now saying different things than he did when he wanted votes.

It also seems that the change he meant was that his people would change their stories in order to keep him from being further linked to bad things like the corruption that Illinois, particularly Chicago, is famous for. Twenty percent of the governors from that state have been indicted or convicted and the current criminal chief executive is no different. Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested yesterday after FBI agents used a LEGAL wiretap to intercept his calls. Seems the Governor was holding an auction for the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama. The governor made it clear that Obama has sex with mothers and that the seat was open to the highest bidder. Blagojevich made it clear that he wanted money.

One of the candidates for the seat was a person Obama wanted to get it but the governor was not happy about that stating that Obama would only give him some appreciation instead of a position in his administration. One would have to believe that Obama had spoken with the governor about his [Obama’s] preference and since the governor knew Obama was only offering praise it only makes sense to conclude that it must have been discussed. In other words, how did Blagojevich know he would only get gratitude if he had not discussed it?

But hold on now. There is no way that we are going to tie Obama to any of this. As a matter of fact, Obama said he had not spoken with the Governor and that he was not involved in any of it.

The problem is, a few weeks ago David Axelrod, Obama’s senior adviser, told Fox News Chicago that Barry had spoken with the governor:

While insisting that the President-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a “kingmaker,” Axelrod said, “I know he’s talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them.” [emphasis mine]

As is usual, the Obama team came out and denied this. They say that Axelrod merely misspoke when he was on Fox. Axlerod himself confirmed this. Yes, since it disputes what The One has said then it must have been a misstatement.

The problem is, Axlerod said I KNOW he’s talked to him. He did not say I think he did, or he might have, or I am unsure, he said I KNOW. How can this be a misstatement? If he said that Obama had spoken with him and then it turns out that he did not then he could have misspoken but in this case he said he knew it.

I believe that he did know it because nothing that Obama does happens without Axelrod knowing. This is exactly how he KNEW it. But, the story has to change because if it does not then Obama is a liar and we can’t have that when it comes to the Messiah. Obama, as is his pattern, threw Axelrod under the bus. Axelrod had to fall on his sword to ensure Obama was not caught in a lie.

When he said that he would bring change to Washington he meant that they would change their stories to whatever is convenient. Instead of change we can believe in we have changed stories that are hard to believe.

Obama spoke with disgraced governor Rod Blagojevich about this issue but The Sainted One is trying to distance himself from the controversy and he did that with a lie. Obama backed Blagojevich each time he ran for office and had good things to say about him. Turns out that he was not such a great guy after all. When will we hear; “Rod Blagojevich is not the governor I knew”? Hey you, get under the bus.

What did Barack Obama know and when did he know it? The governor already said that Obama would not pay to play so that means Obama knew about the game Blagojevich was playing. Why did Obama not go to the authorities? Of course it is because it is Illinois and this is how politics is done there so for Obama it was business as usual.

The guy is not even really the president elect yet. He has won the election but the Electors do not meet until the 15th to cast their votes. At that time he will be the PE. No, he is nothing yet and already we have scandals coming out that involve him even if it is in some tangential fashion. At the least it is a distraction and at the most it demonstrates the climate from which he came (and will undoubtedly take to the White House).

I wonder, at what point in his term will he surpass the number of scandals Clinton had? I also wonder if Axelrod feels stung by having to call himself a liar. If you are working for The One you had better get used to it because everyone else goes down before Obama.

Axelrod demonstrated that we can never trust his words again and he showed us that Obama is a liar who will cover his tracks at the expense of others.

As a challenge, someone find where anyone mentions that the governor is a DEMOCRAT…

As an aside, today is the day all the gays are calling out of work to protest the success of Proposition 8. They call it “A day without a gay.” To me that sounds great. We should have those everyday…

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Big Dog