Imagine If It Was About Hillary Or Bernie?

An allegedly conservative writer at the NY Times sent out a tweet that he had figured how Donald Trump’s run for the presidency would end. The tweet had a video that showed an assassination attempt from a movie.

I realize the guy is reported to be a conservative so imagine if he had tweeted this about Hillary or Bernie.

I can understand if some liberal had sent it because they always get a pass from the media when advocating violence against others. But how would the left act if this alleged conservative had tweeted this about the sainted liberals running for the presidency?

The reality is no one pays attention to these kinds of things unless they are directed at liberals. Libs can talk about murdering people all day (they support murder in the womb) and no one bats an eye. Let someone discuss harming a liberal and they go bat crap crazy.

Imagine how this would have played out if it were about Obama 8 years ago?

Do you think it would go unnoticed or would there be an uproar?

And you know there would be a visit from the Secret Service…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


It Was Only Just A Dream

Well, the alleged leader of the CIA, Leon “I’ll kiss the feet of the messiah” Panneta, canceled a program idea that had been batted around in the meeting rooms of the spy agency- a possible way by which we could capture or kill Al-Qaida operatives without all that pesky “collateral damage”, and the dems are pissed off that they were not informed.

Informed of what? An idea? dream? Something that never made it out of even the earliest stages of speculation? Why? Why in God’s name should they be informed of everybody’s dream?

This was talk- talk around a table by members of an organization that is specifically tasked to talk about such scenarios, but the members of Congress, who are so leaky that they need Depends on a 24/7 basis, feel left out and outraged that they hadn’t given these people permission to speculate this way.

The plans remained vague and were never carried out, the officials said, and Leon E. Panetta, the C.I.A. director, canceled the program last month.

Officials at the spy agency over the years ran into myriad logistical, legal and diplomatic obstacles. How could the role of the United States be masked? Should allies be informed and might they block the access of the C.I.A. teams to their targets? What if American officers or their foreign surrogates were caught in the midst of an operation? Would such activities violate international law or American restrictions on assassinations overseas?

Yes, it’s trouble in River City, with all that pesky diplomatic folderol to wade through. We just have to tell these countries our plans- that is as stupid as telling Congress, and just as leaky. The program should have been as black an ops program as possible, but when the head of the spy agency is an incompetent political hack, used for only one purpose, and that is to spy for his master, this is what you get.

Mr. Panetta scuttled the program, which would have relied on paramilitary teams, shortly after the C.I.A.’s counterterrorism center recently informed him of its existence. The next day, June 24, he told Congressional Intelligence Committees that the plan had been hidden from lawmakers, initially at the instruction of former Vice President Dick Cheney.

The program was designed in the frantic weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks when PresidentGeorge W. Bush signed a secret order authorizing the C.I.A. to capture or kill operatives ofAl Qaeda around the world. To be able to kill Osama bin Laden or his top deputies wherever they might be — even in cities or countries far from a war zone — struck top agency officials as an urgent goal, according to people involved in the discussions.

I know, this isn’t the movies, where left- wing actors get to act as if they had a pair, and try to act macho, this is the real world, where we haven’t enough Farsi speakers, and the people who most look like terrorists are Hispanic in origin, and virtually NONE of them speak Farsi, Urdu, or Pashto, a crippling deficiency that the Democrats exacerbated by downsizing the human intel aspect of the CIA in the Clinton era (Clinton has much to answer for on the intel side of his “legacy”- he must be SO proud).

Still, you might think a program that at least tries to minimize the killing of women and children would be viewed as a “good” thing, but nooooooooo. Not in the miniscule minds of the Democrat Congress, that is for sure, but this is driven solely by their hatred of all things Bush, nothing more.

Oh, I will admit it takes someone willing to gird their loins against the criticism that will surely come from the cowardly side that holds its finger in the wind, the better to see which way the political wind blows- that side will never have your back, because they are too busy protecting theirs. 

When the rest of the world won’t have the fortitude to protect civilization, someone has to step up- will it be the liberals? Oh no- they do not know how,nor do they have the testicular fortitude to say that this needs to be done.

And they certainly do not know when to step back and shut up with their incessant carping.

After all, it was only just a dream.
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What did Hillary Mean to Say?

There has been an uproar over a comment by Hillary Clinton when asked about dropping out of the race. She indicated that her husband did not wrap things up until June 1992 and that Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June. People were quick to jump on this and say she was inferring that Obama could be killed and then she would be the nominee. I see it differently.

I am certainly no supporter of Hillary Clinton but in this case I have to agree with her. From the moment I read the comment I knew she meant that there were times in history where the nomination process was still going on in June. It is a foregone conclusion that she expressed it poorly which does not bode well for a person who is supposed to be so brilliant. I know that the Clinton history is filled with nuanced statements but I cannot get on the bandwagon of people who think she meant that harm could or should come to Obama.

Al Sharpton [Daily News] has contacted Hillary and told her to choose her words wisely which is ironic considering Sharpton’s were have been responsible for a number of deaths. His peace marches have turned into riots where people have been killed based upon what he told the crowd. I imagine he should know that poorly chosen words can lead to catastrophe because he has certainly had his share of inciting catastrophic moments.

Clinton has apologized [My Way News] for the remarks and explained that she meant no disrespect to the Kennedy clan and once again explained what she meant. Unfortunately, there are those who will look at this as one more way that Hillary is ruining the nomination process and how her scorched Earth policies know no bounds. While I believe that the Clintons will say or do anything to win, I also know they would never say or do anything to upset an American dynasty such as the Kennedys. That would be political suicide though her poor remarks might end up being the self inflicted wound that finally does her in.

One thing to keep in mind is that if Obama were a white person these remarks would not have the same significance. Since there were early worries that he might be killed this has a lot more weight. People naturally assume some redneck will unload on him because he is a black guy. The reality is, all the worries are about people on the left. They are the folks running their primary and it is the Hillary supporters that they must be worried about.

I have rarely agreed with Clinton (and never politically) but in this case I have to. She did not mean to place Obama in jeopardy or suggest that he might meet an untimely demise which would give the nomination to her. The whole issue has been blown out of proportion by those who worry some crackpot will take a cue from what she said and off Obama. I can’t imagine anyone would want to see any of them injured or killed. Politics are one thing but taking a life is quite another and no sane person wants to see someone die because they disagree politically. This, of course, is in the US. A lot of people want to see terrorists who disagree politically cease to exist.

No one in his right mind believes the Obama/JFK comparisons but then again, no one is his right mind wants there to be an Obama/RFK comparison either.

Maybe Hillary was just tired or maybe people actually have a different opinion about what happened to Vince Foster…

Related Items:
Wall Street Journal
New York Post

MLK Holiday is an Insult

That little gem according to Dallas minister Peter Johnson. Johnson believes that celebrating King’s birth rather than the date of his death by assassination is an insult to him [King} and all he stood for. Johnson also believes that celebrating the birth of King rather than his death allows whites to escape the guilt of King’s death:

“We have ignored the essence of his life and the horror of his death,” said Johnson. “We’ve allowed white America to escape the guilt of his assassination and we’ve allowed black America to drift back into a coma.” United Press International

The first thing to recognize is that we celebrate the lives of people. We celebrate the life of Lincoln not the date of his assassination and we celebrate the birth and resurrection (rebirth) of Jesus. This minister is focusing on the death of King in order to do what? Does he want to stir more hatred? His assertion that this allows white America to escape guilt. What part of white America is guilty? The only person guilty in the death of King died in jail.

There was no huge conspiracy among all the whites to kill King. One deranged guy with a gun shot King and that man was tried and served life in prison. There might have been a few others associated with the assassination plot but they hardly represent white America. John Kennedy was killed by a white guy and we do not have a federal holiday commemorating his death in order to flourish in white guilt. As a matter of fact, we do not have a holiday celebrating Kennedy’s birth.

Many white Americans who are alive today were not around when King was assassinated and 100 years after King’s death there will few, if any, people around who were here then so why would we have a holiday to perpetuate white guilt? Why would we have a holiday to perpetuate white guilt when few whites were involved?

We celebrate the life of Dr. King by commemorating his birth, the beginning of a great journey. Today in America we have large numbers of blacks and other minorities in positions of great responsibility and we have a black man running for the highest office in this nation with a good chance to win.

Certainly that is the part of the King legacy that matters rather than some perceived notion of white guilt.

Big Dog