An Invitation To Morgan Freeman

A young black man named Ali Akbar has written an invitation to Morgan Freeman after Freeman made statements about the TEA Party and racism. Mr. Akbar wrote a very well thought letter and his invitation is sincere. He wants Freeman to see the people he thinks are racists, as they are and not how the media portray them, so he can have a clear picture of those folks. This makes sense. How can Freeman or anyone else say what any group is if he has never been around them?

Your comments about the tea party have caused me physical pain. You’ve rekindled the old painful paradigm of Uncle Tom – that any black man who votes Republican is some kind of sellout. It’s not true. I work hard, pay my taxes, love Jesus, and I’m good to my family and community. In effect, your comments have stereotyped an entire group of people. And I know in my soul that you must regret that on some level.

There’s already plenty of groupthink among American blacks. Over 90% of us vote Democrat with religious regularity, and we have been doing so for over fifty years. For a short time, I was one of them. I realized a few years ago that the Democrats’ promises of equality bestowed by government wasn’t working and will never work. I came to believe that redistributionist policies with the goal of social justice was essentially creating a new plantation within the federal government. Scraps might be thrown our way, but dependence on the plantation would be the inevitable result.

Over half a century since we started voting for Democrat policies, blacks in America are worse off than before. Black Americans are more likely to get involved with drugs, go to prison, and die younger than our white counterparts. Over 70% of our children are born out of wedlock. Our abortion rate has never been higher. There are two explanations for these results. 1) Blacks are an inferior race and can’t take care of themselves. 2) Despite the best of intentions, the government has created and implemented “social justice” policies that promote perpetual dependence. I choose to believe the latter. Therefore, I have become a Republican. Read entire letter here

I think Freeman and all others who have painted the TEA Party with a broad brush should attend a few rallies and learn the truth.

It always amazes me that liberals claim to oppose broad generalizations or hatred based on a trait (such as hating all black people because they are black) but will hate entire groups with which they disagree using broad generalizations or traits they assume exist.

If liberals disagree with you it is OK, in their world, to do the things they regularly claim to oppose…

Good job Mr. Akbar. I hope Mr. Freeman takes you up on your offer.

But I would not hold my breath if I were you.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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