I Thought We Lost No Information From Underwear Bomber

The Obama administration mishandled the Fruit of the Boom bomber by giving him Miranda Rights, at which point he “lawyered up.” He stopped talking and we did not get any more information from him even though he had earlier indicated that others would follow him. The administration says that we did not lose any information because he had stopped talking by the time they read him “his” rights.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was read his Miranda rights, but that was only after he had been detained, questioned for almost an hour, and had stopped talking. In other words, no information was lost because of the Miranda warning. Representatives of the Justice Department, the CIA and the FBI had a teleconference where they all signed off taking this action. Alan Colmes

Interestingly, this guy must have had more to say because he is now talking. In other words, information was lost because of the Miranda warning. Despite the assertion posted at Colmes’ site, the Nigerian is now talking and providing more information:

The Nigerian man accused of trying to use a bomb hidden in his underwear to bring down a Detroit-bound airliner on Christmas has been cooperating with investigators since last week and has provided fresh intelligence in multiple terrorism investigations, officials said Tuesday. FOX News

Even though liberal shill Colmes posted this just yesterday, the indication is that the Fruit of the Boom bomber has been talking.

Maybe he got a deal of some sort but whatever the reason, the Miranda prevented us from getting this information sooner.

We will likely be attacked within the next year or so and we will have the Democrats to hold accountable. They are weak on national security and Obama is too busy appeasing the enemy to see what is going on.

I hope this mishandling does not lead to an attack that could have been prevented but if it does there should be hell to pay.

Big Dog


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