I Wonder If They Will Be Labeled Racists

Barack Obama had it all going for him in the last election. The economic collapse could not have come at a better time for him as John McCain was tied or leading in the polls. Then the collapse hit. McCain, who had a lackluster campaign (which would have been dead if not for Sarah Palin), did some strange things that gave little confidence in his leadership or decision making abilities.

Obama went on to win the election with 41% of the white male vote. Obama needed that demographic to win the election. Despite the claims of a racist country, Obama could not have won without millions upon millions of whites voting for him. He particularly needed the white male vote.

Now it appears as if he has lost that segment of the population.

Millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party, and it appears increasingly likely that they’ll take the midterms elections in November with them. Their departure could well lead to a GOP landslide on a scale not seen since 1994. Times Union

Polling indicates that the reason for the huge support in 2008 was not because of Obama but because of the financial meltdown (how convenient for it to occur then). White males are affected the most by the loss of jobs accounting for 70% of the losses. This block of voters does not see things getting better and has been disillusioned by the way Obama is handling things.

The percentage of support for Democrats among whites (both sexes) is three points lower than it was in 1994 so things could be really ugly for Democrats in November. Back then Democrats tried to marginalize this demographic by calling them angry white men. This backfired on them and one would think they have learned but I still have to wonder if the Democrats will call them racists for not continuing to support Obama or the Democrats.

Calling people racist is the buzz word for Democrats though it seems to be losing its effect as more and more people are seeing that race is not involved and that good people are being painted with the racism brush in the name of politics.

We have to keep the pressure on them. We cannot let them spin things and fool another block of voters.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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