Jesse Jackson is a Typical White Person

At least according to Senator Obama he is.

Barack Obama just keeps stepping deeper into the hole his association with Jeremiah Wright has created and the more he talks the deeper he gets. In his speech about race, Obama talked about his white grandmother who would be worried if she saw black folks on the street. Obama used his grandmother to try to defuse the situation that has his poll numbers dropping. In so doing, he equated her to a racist pig who served as his pastor. Basically, Obama said his white grandmother was a racist pig. After sticking his foot in his mouth on that one he rammed his leg the rest of the way in when he tried to clarify what he was saying:

“The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. But she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know. . .there’s a reaction in her that doesn’t go away and it comes out in the wrong way.”

So, his grandmother is a typical white person who is weary when she sees people she does not know. Of course, he changed it from black people to somebody she does not know. I don’t know that most people have a strange reaction to seeing people they do not know. There are tens of thousands of people passing each other on the streets and most probably don’t give it a second thought. I remain vigilant when I am out in the public and not because I am a typical white person under Obama’s definition but because remaining vigilant keeps me from being a victim of crime regardless of the criminal’s color. It is always wise to be aware of one’s surroundings.

Back to Obama though. He indicated that his white grandmother was a typical white person who is weary of black folks (once again, he used race in the original speech). This means that Jesse Jackson is a typical white person. You see, Jackson once stated:

There is nothing more painful to me … than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved. — the Reverend Jesse Jackson, as quoted in US News, 3/10/96 News Busters

Jackson, like Obama’s grandmother, knows that whites are less likely to commit the crime. Black on black crime is a real problem but blacks are more likely to commit a crime on a white than another white is. Jackson is relieved by seeing white people because he knows it is very unlikely that he will be victimized by them.

The victim culture coupled with gangs, gangster rap music and liberal social programs produces people who see violence as the only way to succeed. When rappers have made millions by singing about shooting, killing, and drugging that is what the youth learn. Send those same kids to a church like Obama’s and they learn to direct that anger and violence toward whitey.

I don’t know how typical Obama’s grandmother was but I know if Hillary Clinton or John McCain stereotyped blacks there would be hell to pay. I also know if Condi Rice said her grandmother was atypical black who lived off welfare and never amounted to anything she would catch hell as well. It seems that Obama is not held to that standard.

It is unfortunate too because he held Don Imus to a different standard than he holds Racist Wright. Obama said that Imus should be fired. The same should hold true for a black man making racist remarks. This whole ordeal should show that Obama is an empty suit who only cares about being elected. He does not believe in a different kind of politics because he plays the same games as seasoned politicians.

I also find it strange that Obama’s grandmother said things that made him cringe but he never indicated that Wright did the same…

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