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Tables Turned On Occupier Protesters

The miscreants occupying Wall Street are law breakers who expect something for nothing. This is why they are there. They think that the bankers and the wealthy people in society have all the money and should GIVE that money to those who have less. Don’t get me wrong, these folks have every right to protest for any reason they want. They can believe that they are entitled to the stuff that belongs to others. Used to be a time in America that taking the stuff of others was considered a crime but if these folks think they deserve it, they are entitled to that thought. The problem with these people is that they are breaking the law. They are blocking traffic, vandalizing property and creating violence. This is not peaceful but it is admired by Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama. The people who criticize the peaceful TEA Party members are appreciative of the law breaking malcontents creating civil disturbance.

The protesters think they deserve things for free. Waa, I took out a loan for college and they expect me to pay it back. Waa, I bought a house that cost more than I could afford and now they expect me to pay for it or they will take it from me. Waa, the rich people have more money than I do so they should give it to me. It is typical liberal claptrap. Class warfare combined with jealousy and feelings of inadequacy leads these people to gather and live like pigs. They are a disgrace to society but they have the admiration of top Democrats.

These people are causing problems for businesses in the area where they are breaking the law. They are using restrooms of businesses and leaving them a mess. One local businessman, a pizza shop owner, said that the protesters want everything for free, to pay for nothing.

Zamfotis, who runs a pizza shop directly across the street from Zuccotti Park, said he has to stand guard at the door — just to keep protesters out.

“They expect everything, everything for free, nothing to pay,” Zamfotis said.

That should really not surprise anyone because this is why they are protesting in the first place. THEY EXPECT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. These people feel entitled to the money of the wealthy, to jobs (something they describe as a right) and to the food and toilet facilities of local businesses.

Interestingly, the people who want the stuff that belongs to everyone else are upset that some folks have shown up and taken the free food and clothing left for the protesters.

Meanwhile, the protesters are starting to notice folks taking advantage of the demonstration by grabbing some of the free food and clothes that have been made available in Zuccotti Park.

“The tourists take all the food, and the hipsters take all the clothes,” said one demonstrator.

Ironic that those who are protesting and want to take the belongings of others are upset that some folks are taking what belongs to them. If the protesters think it is OK to take the property of others then why it is not OK for someone to take what belongs to the protesters? These protesters are like those who lived during the French Revolution who supported using the guillotine until it was their turn to face it. Both groups are part of the mob mentality that makes up the left in America.

I know there is disagreement on what these people actually want. Make no mistake about it; all they want is to take the property of others. It is not just the rich, they want what others have and they do not. I know some of them claim to be against capitalism and corporate America and its greed but that falls by the wayside when one sees all the people using smart phones and iPads and other devices to communicate from their filth laden encampments. If they truly despised corporate America they would not buy those nifty gadgets. Then again, maybe they took them from others who bought them with money they earned…

There is no doubt that this is a prelude to more civil unrest which, by the way, the government wants to take place. Their mouthpieces in Hollywood and the media have been inciting these kinds of things for a while. They need the disturbances in order to push forward with more government control. Cause civil disturbances and then the people affected by it will beg the government to do something which will inevitably involve more government intrusion.

It is a way to push us closer to Socialism.

This, of course, depends on the belief that most people will run to government for some kind of intervention. The Bible and gun clingers in Middle America are not likely to seek a government solution to a problem caused by too much government.

You protesters keep that in mind when you come for our stuff…

CBS New York
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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