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Surfside Deployed With Red Cross

Many of you know that two other people write at this site. One of those writers is a dear friend of mine who goes by the name of Surfside. Surfside and I have known each other for more than 30 years and went to grade school together. I know many people have found her writing to be informative and insightful.

After Hurricane Katrina, Surfside signed up to be a Red Cross volunteer. She went to a lot of training and signed up to be on call for deployment. Earlier this week she got a call from the Red Cross and they told her they needed her to go to Louisiana to help out down there. Surfside left Saturday morning for Louisiana on a deployment expected to last at least three weeks.

I know you will all pray for her and wish her well while she is out doing the Lord’s work for people affected by that terrible storm. We have a contingency for communications with each other and when I hear from her I will post to let you know how she is doing and how things are down there.

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