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Surfside’s Political Peeves

Being in a particularly cynical mood today, let me share some pet peeves that have lately stuck in my craw. Think of it as Surfside’s Top 20 list of political annoyances. It was going to be 10, but they just kept coming.

20. If we make Election Day a holiday, doesn’t that mean we have to pay all federal workers to sit at home without getting work done; and, all those working the election triple pay? Now, that ought to help the budget. For more than 225 years, people have managed to get themselves to their polling places. All of a sudden, it’s an impossible task? Why?

19. It should be illegal to raise funds in a state other than the one where you are running for senate/congressional seat. If not, who is really your constituency: your donors, or those who actually elected you? Isn’t it a conflict of interest?

18. Jesse Jackson needs to retire. The Neverland Ranch search was nothing like the Branch Davidian compound debacle. Give me a break!

17. John Kerry is not smarter than George Bush. We now have proof.

16. The filibuster is not mentioned in the Constitution.

15. God was specifically mentioned by our Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence.

14. Our laws were written based on Judeo-Christian values. The Ten Commandments are actually engraved on the oak courtroom doors in the Supreme Court building.

13. The Right deserves to be represented on the bench just as much as the Left does.

12. We treat our prisoners better than virtually any other country in the world, and certainly significantly better than the terrorists treat theirs.

11. Bush is not responsible for the current loss of life in Iraq — the terrorists are.

10. Hillary’s trying to move to the center. Stop denying it.

9. Pork Barrel spending runs across party lines. Stop spending our money like it’s water and allocate it properly.

8. Vermont should be booted from the United States of America. It clearly wants to be part of Canada, anyway. How can we trust a populace which elects/supports the likes of Jim Jeffords, Howard Dean and the new socialist candidate for the Senate, Bernie Sanders?

7. Nuclear energy is not clean. Ask the citizens near Yucca Mountain, Nevada and Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania. It’s clearly a NIMBY situation.

6. Pro-choice is Pro-Abortion. Call a spade a spade.

5. It’s hard to justify taking a criminal’s life when you are purported to be Pro-Life.

4. It’s impossible to justify taking the life of an innocent baby, yet argue a condemned serial killer should live.

3. Stop blaming Jeb Bush for Florida’s presidential election problems in 2000 and 2004. Since 1845, 33 out of a total of 43 Florida governors have been Democrats. No one complained about voting procedures and disenfranchisement during their tenure.

2. The 2000 and 2004 elections are long over. The Dems lost; and, the Republicans won. Get over it and move on.

1. Stop the personal attacks on Republicans — and conservatives in general. Howard Dean, this means you! (Can someone please muzzle the guy?)

All you cynics, please join in by adding your pet peeves in the comment section. Who knows? Maybe you’ll give me some good post ideas. (Note ; Big Dog and I disagree on some of these issues.)