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Still Think Iran’s Uranium Is For Energy?

Iran’s deranged President had this to say today:

Iran’s hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad boasted Wednesday that the Islamic republic had mastered the entire nuclear fuel cycle and that it would give an “historic slap” to any attacker.
“Today, Iran has mastered the entire nuclear fuel cycle, from start to finish, thanks to young Iranian scientists,” the president said in a speech in the southwestern border town of Khorramshahr.

It does not take a genius to figure out that he means they can make nuclear weapons and that they will use them since he says that any aggression will be met with a historic “slap.” This nut job is making nuclear weapons and intends to use them at the slightest provocation.

We can than the UN and the limp wristed countries that wanted to appease this guy. If he strikes with a nuke I think the US will retaliate in kind and if we do there should not be a living thing left in Iran.

Source: Forex News