Stevie Wonder Could See It Coming

Brett Kavanaugh has been going through a beating on his way to confirmation to the Supreme Court. Democrats, who think people nominated by presidents of their party should be treated with the most respect, savaged Kavanaugh so much so that Kameltoe Harris and Corey Booger made absolute fools of themselves.

All that did not work so the Democrats pulled out a golden oldie from their playbook. They found a woman to accuse Kavanaugh of sexual impropriety. The alleged misconduct took place nearly four decades ago in a place and at a time she could not remember. She also cannot remember how she got to the party. They only thing she remembers is that a 17 year old high school student named Brett Kavanaugh attacked her and tried to rape her.

This is BS. She might have been attacked but it was not by Kavanaugh. The woman claims she wanted to remain anonymous but retained a lawyer and took a polygraph in August. That does not seem like the actions of someone looking for anonymity.

Kavanaugh and two other boys named or identified by the woman have all stated that it did not take place or that they were not at a party like the one described. This matters not to Democrats who have trotted this woman out to stall the process. Let us not forget that this party trots out women ALL THE TIME. Every time there is a Republican candidate or nominee they do not like they find some woman to make claims of sexual impropriety. This is a no brainer and still Democrats, you know the folks with no brains, are acting as if this shady allegation is rock solid with audio and video to back it up.

Bill Clinton left a blue dress and a number of women gave credible accounts (with witnesses to the aftermath) of Bill’s attacks on them. Hillary, who says Kavanaough’s accuser deserves the benefit of the doubt, organized a war room to deal with Bill’s “bimbo eruptions” and ruined any woman who dared to lay claim to an assault by him. Keith Ellison, a Democrat, assaulted several girlfriends. One of them released medical and psychological records to prove she reported it and there are 911 audio recordings not to mention it being witnessed by her son. Democrats have remained silent on Ellison.

Democrats do not care about women. This is all about politics. Dianne Feinstein has had the letter written by the accuser since July. She could have addressed it with Kavanaugh and the committee then. She could have turned it over. She could have done a number of things. She claims the writer wanted to remain anonymous so of course DiFi started leaking info about her after the hearings for Kavanaugh’s confirmation closed. It was not long before she was identified and politicians and the drones of the left were up in arms. They had to address this.

So there is supposed to be another hearing on Monday but the accuser says she will not be there. She is demanding an FBI investigation before she appears. The FBI has no jurisdiction and has refused to investigate. The reality is she has received her instructions from the Dems. She must do whatever she can to get things delayed. It is possible she does not want to be under oath because she might get tripped up.

Kavanaugh will be confirmed unless some spineless Republican(s) decide not to vote for him. If that happens we should unload on them the next time they are up for reelection. Kavanaugh is a fine man and is not guilty of what he has been accused.

Let’s move on and get him confirmed. If the Democrats delay again have the vote without them. If this woman is found out to be lying put her in jail and put anyone who conspired with her in jail as well.

As for DiFi, she should be drummed out of the Senate. She is a worthless brain dead moron who should be in a nursing home babbling in a corner.

How long before they piss off the wrong part of the country enough to get a response? They won’t like it when that happens.

BTW, it is time to harass the hell out of every Democrat you know or who serves in office. And when they get one for President we owe that person as much hell as we can unleash.

Time to end the BS.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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