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Sometimes Pain Is The Best Teacher

Sometimes people only learn when their mistake causes them some discomfort. Pick up a hot lid from a pot and you quickly learn that you should check or use a pot holder.

It seems that this might be the best approach for liberal run cities that have been in steady decline from decades of liberal “leadership”. Baltimore is one such city but there are plenty of others. Charm City, as Baltimore is known, is a cesspool of crime and liberal failure on display each and every day. Oh there are a few things that shine to be sure but even the sparkle of those things begins to fade as liberal ideology eventually ruins all that it touches.

Baltimore was once a thriving city but decades of liberalism and the dependents produced by that ideology have obliterated all sense of normalcy and forced it into an animal kingdom where thugs prey upon those whose circumstances will not allow them to leave.

Baltimore celebrated its 100th murder by firearm before the month of April came to a close. A city that has bought into the liberal idea of gun bans, needle exchanges, blame and victim status for its dependents had 100 gun murders in 4 months in a city that is part of a liberal state that has strict gun control. This is not supposed to happen. People are supposed to be enslaved on the liberal plantation and do what they are told so they can get their meal cards, their welfare checks and their free cell phones.

The city and its liberal leadership can’t figure out what is going on. The mayor says there are too many guns not even considering that the guns are not the problem and what she and her city has is too many CRIMINALS. I would wager a paycheck that the people murdered in Baltimore, the 100, were not murdered by people with legally owned firearms. These people were not murdered by others who have a clean criminal record or who have never interacted with the criminal justice system.

But to the hapless mayor the problem is too many guns.

The mayor ignores that the city spat in the face of its police force when its previous mayor gave a stand down order and allowed rioters to destroy the city (this led to her political demise) after the death of a career criminal while in police custody and the malicious prosecution of six officers by the State’s Attorney for Baltimore. All six cases were ruled in the officer’s favor. There are questions in my mind about some of the events leading to the death of that career criminal but no matter what happened the city handled it poorly. It was handled so poorly the State National Guard had to be activated to get things in order.

Now the new mayor, upset about the increased number of murders and clueless as to their cause, wants the federal government to help. She wants the Federal Bureau of Investigation to assist in keeping order in Baltimore and has been in talks with the Baltimore field office.

Since when does a city mayor communicate with the federal government for assistance? The city communicates with the state and the state communicates with the feds. That is how things should work. The mayor has bypassed the normal channel and ignored resources the state might have to get help from the federal government, the very federal government that is run by a man the mayor and her liberal colleagues cannot stand.

By the way, it is worth noting that Baltimore, in addition to being a Petri dish where welfare dependents are grown and released to suckle at the teat of government in return for votes every four years, is also a sanctuary city. The city ignores federal immigration law, turns a blind eye to illegal immigrants and then expects the federal government to come in and help with the problems.

Hell, I think the city has directed its prosecutors to take care in what they pursue if there is a chance the person is illegal because it might mean deportation. Let me interpret; ignore the petty lawbreakers and their crimes so they do not get deported. Yes folks, this is how stupid the liberals are but they do have some nerve.

It takes a lot of it to ask for help solving the problems you caused from people who you do not like and who you will not cooperate with.

I am sure this should all go through the state but the Trump Administration, if it decides to help and let the FBI assist, should force the city to cooperate with immigration laws. It should force the city to get rid of the sanctuary policies and start working to get the illegals out.

If the city declines then it can clean up its own mess which might be the best thing anyway. If the city is forced to deal with the pain of its policies perhaps those liberals will learn from that pain.

Who am I kidding? I am sure they can continue to blame too many guns as people continue to die, police officers continue to depart and citizens fortunate enough to escape do just that.

Because, you know, in liberal reality their policies are not the problem and all they ever need is a little more money or a little more legislation that infringes on the rights of others.

You know, for the children.

Pain is a great teacher but you at least have to have the ability and desire to learn…

CBS Baltimore