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Social Engineering And A Waste Of Taxpayer Money

This video from 2009 involves members of Congress and the regime discussing the economic recovery plan (the stimulus) and how it should be spent. The video has comments inserted which are appropriate and worthy of discussion.

Notice how these folks are discussing how to spend our money and that the concern is that skilled white construction workers will get the jobs building bridges. The discussion is how to ensure people who might not have any skills get some of the recovery money. A video comment asks why don’t we hire the best people to build the bridge regardless of what color they are?

And excellent point except the stimulus money was not designed to stimulate the economy, it was designed to pay off political friends and to engage in social welfare. These people don’t care if bridges actually get built (have any been built) and they don’t care that bridges which might get built are built by people who are less skilled or unskilled so long as the money goes to minorities and other “disadvantaged” people.

Charlie Rangel starts discussing the flow of money and how the federal government is impeded by the pesky state legislatures. He says they need to come up with some method to bypass all that and force the states to take the money. This is how states get federal money with all kinds of strings attached. Robert Reich then says that it needs to be presented to governors and they can either sign or not but to hold them accountable.

In the end, Rangle assures everyone they will not have to worry about the middle class objecting because they will be too worried about putting food on the table and clothing their children.

In other words, don’t be concerned about the middle class. They will be too busy working to make ends meet to notice the social engineering taking place at the federal level with their hard earned money.

I guess Rangel was wrong. Looks like a lot of the middle class did pay attention and showed that in the 2010 election.

This is the goal of Democrats and particularly this regime. They want to redistribute wealth and they want to spend money on social programs under the guise of stimulating the economy.

Our families will have to drive over the bridges built by the least skilled workers.

Well, that sort of makes sense. This country (and by extension our families) is being led by the least skilled among us…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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