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Should Jon Elliott of Err Amerika be Fired?

Randi Rhodes was reported to have been attacked near her New York apartment. It turned out that she had actually fallen and was NOT attacked. The initial report of her attack fueled speculation among left wing blogs that Rhodes had been attacked by a Right Wing lunatic. Jon Elliott, who filled in for Rhodes, said this:

“Is this an attempt by the right-wing hate machine to silence one of our own?” he asked on the air, according to the Talking Radio blog. “Are we threatening them?” NY Daily News

Here is a guy who has classified the entire “right” as a bunch of hate filled people. He called us all violent hate filled people who would attack a woman with whom we disagree. He did not attack some public official, he attacked all private citizens who happen to be on the political right.

So the question is, will he be fired? Don Imus was fired for his “hate speech” when he called a girl’s basketball team a bunch of nappy headed hos. Imus attacked one basketball team and the race baiters were out in full force demanding that he be fired (and the black journalists have their panties in a wad that Imus will get another job). Elliott called every person on the political right a hater and indicated we were prone to violent attacks so perhaps he should go. I know, he apologized:

“I shouldn’t have speculated based on hearsay that Randi Rhodes had been mugged and that it may have been an attack from a right-wing hate machine,” the statement said. “I apologize for jumping to conclusions.”

So did Imus.

Imus should not have speculated that the girls were nappy headed hos but he got fired for that. Maybe Imus just jumped to a conclusion about the girls, but he apologized nonetheless. His apology did little good because even though he humiliated himself by kissing the ring of the godfather of race baiting, the godfather still demanded that Imus lose his job, his livelihood.

No wonder Err Amerika is going under. The dumb asses there cannot even get a news story that involves one of their own correct. How do we expect them to get things out of their own sphere anywhere neat correct?

Big Dog