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She’s A Woman And That’s Good Enough For Me

I was over at Adam’s site and he has a response from some person who is obviously a novice in politics. The person was welcoming Adam to be a guest speaker at some site where the author is pushing for Hillary Clinton to be president. Now I understand Adam. He would sign up to write for Attila the Hun if he were a registered democrat who promised to raise taxes, lower our defenses and increase spending on social programs. Hell, he would probably support Hussein if he made those promises. But this novice has some learning to do. I personally could not support Hillary. It is not the fact she is a female. That does not bother me. It is the fact she is a socialist who is pretending to be a moderate so she can get into office and screw the American public. She will take us down a dark path that will make us weaker than her husband did. Hillary would be a dark cloud on our horizon. There are others, though less informed and pretty well blind to her sheep’s clothing, who support her. At least they have their reasons that seem plausible to them.

This novice wants Hillary because she is a woman. No, nothing follows. Just because she is a woman. Well, hell. If that is all the novice wants there are millions of candidates out there. Oh, wait. This person is tired of “nasty republicans.”
Here is the quote from the site:

This site is totally unofficial. As yet, I don’t know Hillary Clinton that well politically, and not at all personally. I’m not paid to do this. I’m doing it because I want a female president ASAP, Hillary is a great woman for the job, and I’m just so tired of nasty Republican attacks where politics should be.

This person is a freakin genius. I don’t know her but she is a woman and not a nasty republican so I want her to be president. If this is what our country is coming to then we are in for a rough and rocky road. Adam will be happy. He will have an obviously unformed mind to mold in the image of himself.
God help us all.

Perhaps if this novice spends some time here at the Dog’s house Surfside can provide a quality education on Hillary.