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Sheriff Taylor Loses Small Town Values

Andy Griffith played a sheriff in the fictional town of Mayberry. In Mayberry people did not have to lock their doors, neighbors helped each other out, Sundays were for worship, and children were allowed to play cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians and any other game and were not considered politically incorrect or bigoted.

Something happened to the people of the town of Mayberry. Ron Howard, who played Opie Taylor, is one of Hollywood’s biggest left wing liberals and Sheriff Taylor has abandoned the small town values people who watched the show admired.

Andy Griffith is now a spokesperson for Obamacare and his gig is paid for with our tax dollars out of Medicare funds. Griffith appears in an ad telling seniors how wonderful Obamacare will be:

The TV star – whose role as sheriff of Mayberry made him an enduring symbol of small-town American values – tells seniors that “good things are coming” under the health care overhaul, including free preventive checkups and lower-cost prescriptions for Medicare recipients. My Way News

It would appear as if the Obama regime and Andy Griffith are trying to dupe seniors. As the piece reads, the role of sheriff in Mayberry made Griffith and enduring symbol of small town American values.

Reliance on the government is not a small town American value. Expecting others to pay for you is not a small town American value. In small town America, people are self reliant and do not want government interference.

To make things worse, Griffith tells seniors that good things are coming including FREE check ups. NOTHING IS FREE. Taxpayers have to pay for this. It is definitely not free and saying it is only muddies the waters. It is confusing by design. Seniors are skeptical about Obamacare and they should be. The man he picked to run Medicare believes in rationing care and is a supporter of the British system that allows people who are deemed too expensive to care for to die.

Yes, we are talking about death panels. There is no doubt that government officials will make decisions about people’s care and that some folks will not get care because it is too expensive or they are too old. They will be sent home with pain pills, per Dr. Obama’s instructions.

Andy Griffith is the symbol of small town America and trust. Everyone trusted sheriff Taylor and the way he handled things. Certainly this man is not lying to seniors and only has their best interests at heart.

Right. He is duping the poor seniors at the behest of the Obama regime because seniors are reliable voters and they will be at the polls in November even if no other demographic sees fit to vote. Seniors will be there and they are not happy so the regime needed to bring in a trusted senior to talk some sense into them.

Unfortunately, Griffith cannot be trusted. He has been a Democrat supporter for years so his support for this is not surprising. However, casting him in the ad, given the association his former character had with small town American values, is nothing more than a deception designed to dupe the elderly simply because Griffith does not hold those values in real life.

If the Obama regime believed in truth in advertising they would have Dr. Jack Kevorkian as their spokesperson.

That would be an accurate portrayal of the things to come under Obamacare.

Griffith is lucky though. He is not going to live much longer and if he happens to make it to the implementation of Obamacare it will not effect him. He has enough money to pay for whatever care he wants.

The rest of the elderly will not be so fortunate. You old folks had better vote in November and get rid of all the people who did this to you.

And if you are smart you will ditch your AARP membership. There are other organizations (here and here) that assist the elderly and, unlike the AARP, they actually look out for the interests of the elderly.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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