Sharpton; Obama’s Conduit To The Streets

Al Sharpton is evidently the person to whom blacks in the poulation go with their concerns regarding Barack Obama’s treatment of black folks. Looks like there is a feeling among blacks that Obama is not doing enough for them. The feeling is that he is black and he should be doing more to help blacks.

When did Obama become the leader of only the black segment of society?

As leader of our country he is obligated to carry out his duties without regard to a person’s color. He is the leader of all Americans (I use leader to describe his job position, not necessarily his ability) and therefore must look out for all of us. Sharpton is the “lightning rod” for the concerns of those on the street:

Amid a heated national debate over whether black leaders should align themselves with the president, Sharpton has defended Obama against criticism from television host Tavis Smiley that “black folk are catching hell” and Obama should do more to help them.

Black Americans, Sharpton said, “need to solve our own problems.” Yahoo News

Mr. Smiley (how is that for a name) needs to understand that a lot of people are “catching hell” regardless of color and whatever the government does needs to benefit people of all colors.

I know that many black folks thought Obama was going to swoop in and they would not have to worry about paying for their houses or their gas and that many think health care will be free (the bill will help more blacks, after all) but the reality is he can’t do all those things and his obligation is to right the ship for all of us.

But Sharpton was spot on when he said blacks need to solve their own problems. Too bad he only has this opinion when a black guy is in the White House.

But maybe we can ask Kanye West if Barack Obama hates black folks. That was the feeling when it was perceived that Bush did not do much to help the poor folks affected by Katrina. Obama is half white so maybe that “racist” half is causing him to neglect the blacks.

Sharpton is his conduit to the people on the street.

We The People will be his conduit to the street in 2012.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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One Response to “Sharpton; Obama’s Conduit To The Streets”

  1. Blake says:

    Well, there is a segment of Black society-(admittedly an ignorant segment) that feels that now that there is a Black man in the WH, that all free stuff should flow their way, hence the ignorant calls for their share of “Obama Money”, and “Free Obamacare”- these are just people who do not want to work for it- and it would not just be limited to Blacks- it is just that the circumstances of a “Black” man in the WH bring a larger number of ignorant people out of the woodwork, as if they think he walks around the WH with hisshoes onloosely, like slippers, or has a bunch of hounds lying around on the West Wing porch- they stereotype Obama in their private wants just as badly as anyone else, just in their own little notions and desires.