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Sestak Obligated To Report The Details Of Crime

Joe Sestak won the Democrat primary in Pennsylvania beating Arlen Specter for a seat in the US Senate. This was a very sweet victory because Specter switched parties and the only reason he switched was so he could win reelection. When he discussed changing parties he had a promise from Obama that he would get his full support int he campaign.

Obama made one appearance and then was AWOL (though maybe Specter asked him not to come again) but one thing that Obama did do was try to buy off Sestak. According to Joe Sestak, someone in the regime offered him a position in the government (speculation is it was Secretary of the Navy) if he would drop out of the race. This would give Specter the primary win but he would have lost to his Republican challenger in November.

In any event, the offer to Sestak, a job to leave the race, appears to be a violation of federal election laws.

This subject was brought up again Meet the Press and Sesatk confirmed that the incident happened but refused to go any deeper. He said that he has said it happened and that if there is any further disclosure about it then it should come from others (those involved).

It seems to me that if someone made him an offer that was a possible violation of the law then he is obligated to report the violation and give the details. He does not have to do it in the press but he needs to report ALL that he knows to law enforcement (and perhaps he has).

If he thinks the others who are involved are obligated to report their potential misdeeds then he is misguided. People are not obligated to incriminate themselves. It is up to Sestak, in this case, to disclose who made the offer and any other details so that it can be investigated.

If he wants to gain the trust of the people this is a poor way to go about it.

Sestak will likely lose in November so maybe he is waiting until then to be sure before he talks…


Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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