Secret Service Spill Secrets About Presidents

Some of this will come as no surprise since there have been stories in the past about how Hillary treated Secret Service agents. I don’t think it is a stretch that the other Democrats are like this. They do not like the military or law enforcement. Hell, they spent their youth protesting the “pigs” and the military and Obama’s buddy Bill Ayers killed police officers and tried to blow up soldiers.

It is not surprising to me that Republicans were respectful and treated the Secret Service well. Republicans praise those who sacrifice so much and put their lives on the line.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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One Response to “Secret Service Spill Secrets About Presidents”

  1. Blake says:

    I saw a bumper sticker that I think is not only true, but succinctly to the point.

    Both Osama and Obama have friends that bombed the Pentagon.