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Second Time In A Month, Uninvited White House Guests

For the second time in a month people who were not invited to eat at the White House ended up doing so. The first brought national attention when a couple weaseled its way into the State Dinner. There is an uproar with people calling for them to be prosecuted. I say they were undocumented guests looking to make their lives better and should be left alone.

Now, a couple that arrived a day early for a White House tour (they mistakenly arrived on the wrong day) was ushered into a private breakfast there and offered the buffet.

The White House says that they were invited to eat after it was realized they came on the wrong day and that a security check was performed. The couple, on the other hand, says they did not know about the breakfast and thought they were starting the tour when they were led into the room and offered a meal.

What are the odds they were offered the meal because they arrived on the wrong day? I think their account might be a bit more accurate.

If this White House can’t be kept secure what does it say about our country being secure?


Big Dog


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