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Sarah Palin’s Email Hacked

Some cretin hacked into the personal email account of Governor Sarah Palin and posted screen shots of her email on the web. The Secret Service and the FBI are investigating.

I watched the cable shows and on Greta the host asked a panel of lawyers if the person (or persons) who hacked in should go to jail if they are caught. Two of the three immediately assumed that Palin was doing state work on her personal email. They eventually discussed the issue of privacy and how wrong it was but they kept hammering on state business on the email even though none of the emails had anything to do with state business. They kept saying it to plant the seed. The issue here is that someone hacked email. If they find anything else then they can discuss it.

This would be like if someone stole Barack Obama’s checkbook and published his banking information and the panel was asked if the thieves should go to jail and they said well, Obama might have robbed the bank, they need to see. He might have robbed the bank where he has that checking account.

Let me give the answer the idiot lawyers had some trouble with. The people who did this, if they are caught, should go to jail for a minimum of 5 years and then they should be forbidden from ever using a computer again. I would feel this way if they hacked Obama’s email. This is wrong and it should be strictly punished.

I will be looking around to see how people feel. It will be interesting to see how many liberals condemn it seeing how they are so concerned with privacy (unless you are Chuck Schumer who steals Social Security numbers).

No to Patriot Act but yes to hacking Palin?…..

Big Dog