Sarah Palin Supports Gun Control

It is well known that nearly all major media outlets are in the tank for Barack Obama. They don’t even try to hide it any more. He comes out and breathes and they swoon and talk about their tingles. The nutroots deny the media is liberal and swear that it supports the Republicans and is unfair to the Democrats. But it is undeniable that the media is part of the Obama campaign and the campaign deploys them like all other surrogates:

His aides said they were looking to the news media to debunk the image of her as a blue-collar reformer, even as they argued that her power to help Mr. McCain was overstated.

How about a little fair time (fairness doctrine stuff) and we have the media debunk Obama’s image as an agent of change. It would be helpful if they spent the same amount of effort in scrutinizing him as they have her. And no, he has not been vetted over the last 19 months, he has been assisted. The media got him the nomination.

One other troubling thing from the piece is this:

In the midst of all this, Mr. Obama had a private lunch on Thursday with someone he battled with for much of the year but who knows how to put the Republicans on the defensive: former President Bill Clinton. Discussion topics, aides said, included how Mr. Obama might handle Ms. Palin in the days ahead.

The last thing Obama needs or should pay attention to is Bill Clinton telling him how to handle a woman. I already know what Bill Clinton thinks about Sarah Palin and how that rapist would like to handle her (“I did not have sex with that woman, but I’d like to.”).

Might not be a good idea for him to try though, she is a strong advocate of gun control. Gun control as in keeping your sights on the target and hitting that at which you aim…

New York Times

Big Dog

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7 Responses to “Sarah Palin Supports Gun Control”

  1. Adam says:

    “The nutroots deny the media is liberal and swear that it supports the Republicans and is unfair to the Democrats.”

    I for one don’t think the media supports the Republicans more than the Democrats, I just think the media is no better than tabloid trash.

    Obama had better media coverage than Hillary Clinton, but John McCain gets pretty good coverage too, so in the head to head it’s hard to see who gets more favor and instead it becomes clear that the media just wants to hype any story right or wrong.

    Again today you mention fear. I think the Dems and Republicans are in two different universes right now over the election. I’ve seen Dems saying McCain would recall Palin and pick somebody else. Last night I saw Republicans saying that Obama would pull back Biden and pick Clinton. Anybody who thinks this is not facing reality. and other groups work non-stop now debunking all the distortions and lies coming out of both campaigns and from the media. It’s time for all sides to stop getting fat on this frenzy and get ready for the crunch time that’s going to come any day now when the debates start and the real conversations begins. Enough of this tabloid trash.

  2. Big Dog says:

    I draw your attention to this. There is fear.

    Prior to Palin, Obama was getting media coverage at about 3:1. Now McCain/Palin get more but a lot of it is about all the smears thrown and the attempt to discredit her.

    The media is definitely liberal. You might not thinkt hey support one more than the other but you are deluding yourself. There have been too many stories about liberal bias to shrug it off. Liberals don’t see it as biased because it portrays their point of view and they believe that anyone who does not get that point of view is out of touch.

    Now, read the story at that link and tell me who is in another universe.

  3. Adam says:

    I see from your side a lot of “If they aren’t scared why are they attacking her so?” That’s just rapid response, not fear. In 2004 Kerry said something like “I’m above the petty politics. My record stands for itself.” Kerry was wrong and it cost him the White House. A rapid response system is what helped Clinton beat Bush in 92 and both candidates have a pretty good one this time around.

    Peggy Noonan’s comment about “it’s over” isn’t representative to the state of the GOP any more than the article you post is of the Dems. Both parties are fired up in full swing ready to fight.

    There’s bias in every form of media and it’s no surprise that there’s bias in the study of media bias. There is no real way to quantify the bias and the studies that try are almost always from think tanks on side A that end up saying the media is biased toward side B and then side B totally discredits the report and the cycle continues…

  4. Adam says:

    Thinking more about the article you linked, I take issue with the first few lines.

    “Democratic jitters about the US presidential race have spread to Capitol Hill, where some members of Congress are worried that Barack Obama’s faltering campaign could hurt their chances of re-election.”

    Faltering campaign? Since when does a post-convention bump mean the other guy is faltering? That’s a joke, right? It’s way too early be concerned about polls as much as the right wants us to think and the two campaigns sure aren’t packing it in either way. Kerry was beating Bush in nearly every poll up until the time people voted and he lost.

    I’ve said before that in the next few weeks we’ll see better polls but right after the convention is no time to start changing your campaign plans.

    Of course McCain seems to be flailing lately it seems. What’s with his distortion of so many quotes and even distorting what said ? From the lipstick quote to the sex ed to kindergarten kids, what’s his deal?

  5. Big Dog says:

    The source IS the NYT, a branch of the Democratic Party. There are Democrats who won in very conservative areas who are worried that resurgence in Republican voting will make them one termers.

    Obama has lost quite a bit in the last few weeks and he has made mistakes because he is being pressed.

    As for the lipstick, it is obvious what he meant. He paused to get the effect and then said the rest. It is a common expression that he knew would make people think of Palin. Good strategy, keep Obama defending that remark all day and he cannot attack. The Kindergarten bill is subject to interpretation. How come you accept as truth when Obama makes claims (like about the GI Bill) that are not true?

    If you call keeping Obama on defense flailing then you are the mindset that helps Dems lose.

    As for media bias, it is there and it is liberal. There are too many stories from people who are in those newsrooms to ignore.

  6. David M says:

    The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 09/12/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

  7. Adam says:

    I don’t defend Obama’s distortions, they’re there certainly. I just can’t believe some of the things McCain is saying this week and I don’t think it’s helping him as much as you think, but we’ll see.