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Sarah Palin Is A Fighter

Here is the latest ad from Our Country Deserves Better PAC. It is called Sarah’s a Fighter:

This is a comment one of the inclusive, diverse liberals left at the You Tube site:

Sarah Palin has 2 retarded kids right?
Well, one has down syndrome and the other one VOLUNTEERED to fight in Iraq.
How does she expect the country to get behind her when even God hates her?

How is this for pure hatred? She has two retarded kids, one with Down Syndrome and the other is a retard for joining the military to fight in Iraq. According to this (dare I say it) typical liberal twit, anyone who joins the military to defend this country is a retard. This is the attitude the left has toward our troops. This is what they think about the people who are infinitely better than they will ever be.

This is the kind of hatred I saw at all the moonbat protests in DC. This is the kind of hatred that people express when they damage property that has a McCain/Palin sign displayed. This is just pure intolerance and the person who said this is an ignorant jackass who should be severely beaten.

Then this twit is so ignorant that he suggests that Palin’s child has Down Syndrome because God hates her. No jackass, God hates you cretins who murder children in the womb. God hates you schmucks who murder the unborn and protest to save convicted murderers from the death penalty. God hates you maggots who protest the men and women of the armed forces who protect your right to say stupid things and God sure as hell hates idiots who make fun of the disabled.

If you get the urge to pick on retards start by selecting those in the Democratic Potty. Pick on Harry Reid and his boxing induced brain damage, Joe Biden and his aneurysm brain damage, Ted Kennedy and his brain cancer, and Nancy Pelosi and her Botox numbed brain.

And don’t forget to point to Barack Obama whose brain was fried by excessive use of drugs.

You want retards, look no farther than the liberals you give Lewinsky’s to.

Say what you want little twit but when you do, thank God that a member of the United States military stood guard over your freedom so that you could spew the stupidity.

Big Dog