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Rowdy Yates; Head Her Up, Move Her Out

Sally Yates, an Obama hack, was serving as the Acting Attorney General because the Senate is dragging its feet in the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions to be the new AG. Some have questioned why Trump would leave an Obama hack in the position while he awaited his own nominee and that is a valid argument but the reality is Trump should not have had to have an acting anybody. The Senate should have approved Sessions the day Trump took office.

Instead, President Trump had to wait and after he issued his now famous Executive Order on immigration and refugees his acting AG, Yates, publicly stated she opposed the EO and that the DOJ would not enforce it.

Yes, she was insubordinate. She refused to follow the LEGAL order of the president, the very person from whom she gets her authority.

If Yates had some legal issue with it or wanted to discuss any possible Constitutional concerns then that would be a different issue but she did not take that route. As a liberal Obama crony she did not want to enforce it. How could she when her former boss was out praising protesters and falsely claiming this was a ban on religion?

President Trump was well within his legal right to issue the EO and he was on sound legal footing in doing so:

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Cornell Law

Yates had two professional choices, follow the order or resign. She chose an unprofessional and blatantly political option instead, to disobey her boss. She chose to be insubordinate.

There are plenty of misguided people out protesting and screaming about this order (and people like B. Hussein Obama are praising them) but the order is legal. There is nothing that says people have to like the order but it is legal nonetheless (not to mention none of you complained when Obama did the same thing).

Plenty of judges are morally opposed to abortion but they uphold challenges to it every day. There are people who are opposed to the ACA (aka Obamacare) but they were forced to buy insurance or pay a tax. None of them protested the IRS or shut down major cities because they were upset about a law they did not like (and that is unconstitutional despite what the tyrants in black robes say).

So people if you don’t like the EO that is your business but please stop claiming it is a religious ban, or a ban on Muslims or that it is unconstitutional because none of that is true.

I know it is tough for you to live in a world where a person elected to office does exactly what he said he was going to do and I know it hurts even more when you hate that guy and did not vote for him but your dislike and hatred do not trump (see what I did there) the facts and the facts are clear.

He is well within his legal authority in what he is doing.

And Sally Yates, your inability to see this and your partisan attitude and blindness earned you the honor of hearing Donald Trump’s catch phrase:

You’re fired.

One gone from the swamp….

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
