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Round-up of the News

Here are a few items that I found while looking around and rather than write posts about them I figured a brief synopsis and a link would do for this rather busy Friday (for me anyway):

Did you expect anything different?

The Mexican Senate has sided with Elvira Arellano and passed a measure urging their president to strongly protest her deportation. This should come as no surprise to anyone. The Mexicans are corrupt and crime is rampant down there so why would anyone expect them to respect our rule of law? Hell, this is in line with the Mexican government working very hard to get its citizens to sneak in to this country so that they can work here, sponge off the taxpayers in the US and then send money home. Elvira Arellano said that the US broke the law first by letting them cross in and then collecting taxes. “No your honor. The bank broke the law first by leaving its door opened so i could come in and rob it.” The worthless leeches down there think it is perfectly OK to suck our economy dry. If Elvira sneaks in here again we should put her in jail for 30 years. That might get some attention.

Iran is cleansing area of Kurds

The Islamic Republic of Iran is dropping leaflets warning Kurds in border towns in Iraq that they need to pack up and leave. The Iranians are amassing troops on the border and are threatening to attack to get rid of the Kurds. This is the Iran that cries about a US preemptive strike. Now, they are preparing to invade another country to force people out of their homes in their country. This demonstrates the evil that is Iran. I believe that this might have another agenda. The Iranians might just be trying to provoke the US into shooting first. I think we should wait until they are amassed in total and when they fire the first round tons of munitions should rain down on them. Then we might as well go after Ahmadinejad for good measure. Isn’t it amazing that the Muslims talk about tolerance and being the religion of peace but they attack those with whom they disagree (Muslims and non Muslim alike)? That country is full of decent people being ruled by followers of Satan. We need to help them have a revolution.
Another source

Hillary admits Republicans better at protecting country

Hillary Rodham stated that a terror attack before the next election would give Republicans a boost. While she did not come out and say it, she basically admitted that the country feels the Republican party is better equipped to handle such things. On the other hand she indicated that Americans would give that boost to Republicans regardless of how badly they [the Republicans] have messed up dealing with terror. What she said is that Americans are stupid and do not know how to think for themselves. She is telling us that it is by the grace of God that we have her to straighten things out. Of course her remarks allowed her to tell us that she is the best Democrat to handle such a situation, should it arise. But remember, an attack would give Republicans a boost because America knows that Republicans are better at national security than the “best” Democrat. If Hillary handles this type of situation the way she has handled other problems she will deny it for a few days, claim it was a partisan attack and then blame it on the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Then she will tell us why it is not her fault.

NFL suspends Michael Vick indefinitely

During the dog days of Summer football players are tuning up for another season. Michael Vick will be going to jail soon to make his version of the longest yard so he will not be playing for a while. Matter of fact, the NFL suspended him indefinitely so he won’t be playing even after he is released. I wonder how long it will be before the NAACP and the revuums Sharpton and Jackson protest that this was harsh and that the brother only hurt some dogs. We already had the NAACP tell us to wait until Vick had his day in court before commenting because he is innocent until proven guilty. Interestingly, that is not the same courtesy they extend to a white cop who shoots a black thug in an alley at 2am. Matters not because Vick pleaded guilty. That won’t stop the race baiters though. One good thing for Vick. It is public knowledge that he has herpes. Might be a blessing that it is considering he is going to prison where he could end up playing center instead of quarterback.

These were a few to get you through. Feel free to comment on them and let everyone know how you feel about these issues.

Big Dog

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