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RFK Wants Global Warming Deniers Tried for Treason

Is Robert F Kennedy Jr. preparing to run for office in order to keep the tradition of having Kennedys infest government and screw up this country? It seems to me that his latest outburst might be a prelude to a run for office in order to fill his Kennedy family duty of systematically destroying the US from within.

In his tirade, RFK Jr makes his pitch for environmental lunacy by exclaiming:

“Get rid of all these rotten politicians that we have in Washington, who are nothing more than corporate toadies. This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors.” Newsday.com

The definition of treason is a betrayal of trust or an overt attempt to overthrow the government to which the person owes allegiance (which is why those who seceded from the Union could not commit treason, for those who commented on an earlier post). By denying Global Warming, or more appropriately by not accepting the version of Global Warming espoused by the Al Gore crowd, one is hardly committing treason. People are merely expressing their own views about the situation, views to which they are entitled under our Constitution.

However, the left loves to demonize anyone with whom they disagree and they love to stifle free speech that does not agree with their points of view. The left is more than happy to entertain people who believe that 9/11 was an inside job, people who oppose the flying of a Confederate Flag, or Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison comparing President bush to Hitler but let someone say he does not believe that man causes Global Warming and the left wants them hung for treason.

Interestingly, the left is also big in its movement to impeach the President and Vice President in order to remove them from office. There are no impeachable offenses but the left is hell bent on pursuing the process and this is for one reason, to get rid of the head of our government who most believe was not fairly or legally elected to office. Every day the left is involved in acts that run contrary to the President and acts that harm our troops who most of them placed in harm’s way. One might say that this overt attempt to overthrow the duly elected heads of our government borders on treason. The cut and run philosophy of the left with regard to the war in Iraq could well be viewed as treason and certainly, John Kerry was guilty of treason when he met with our enemy. These items are often ignored by people like RFK Jr. who have no real grasp on the realities of life.

Perhaps we can get Teddy to take this fellow for a drive near the water.

Big Dog

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