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Review of the News

This “man” wants to be President?

Cleveland Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich was the only member of Congress on Monday night to vote against a symbolic resolution to recognize September 11 as a day of remembrance, extend sympathies to those who lost their lives and their families and honor emergency workers and the U.S. armed forces. Cleveland.com


This is a member of the same Congress that votes on the symbolic naming of Post Offices and other buildings in honor of people who managed not to get hit crossing the street. He linked this symbolic vote to political crap dealing with the war. If this man cannot put politics aside for this kind of vote then he should not be elected dog catcher much less President of the United States. Couple this with his assertion, on Syrian TV, that the US was engaged in an illegal occupation and it is not hard to see why we question patriotism. Talk about helping the enemy. I guess he needed to shake things up because this little gnome looking cretin will never be elected President.

What will she do for money without any donors?

“To help ensure agsint(sic) this type of situation [illegal donations from Hsu] in the future, our campaign will also institute vigorous additional vetting procedures on our bundlers, including criminal background checks,” Wolfson added. “In any instances where a source of a bundler’s income is in question, the campaign will take affirmative steps to verify its origin.” Washington Post

Handing Money

The Clintons have always had criminals raising money for them. Hillary was involved in raising illegal campaign donations and will likely testify in the case against her. If they start doing background checks on the people who donate to her and they exclude the money from such people she will not have much cash coming in. Where will it come from now that Bill cannot sell secrets to China? Isn’t it amazing that the Hillary campaign would institute a background check on donors when she and her hubby could not pass one themselves? I notice that she is returning the money now that the illegality was made very public…

Does Israel lack testicular fortitude?

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert continues to oppose mounting a major IDF operation in the Gaza Strip or cutting off Israeli-supplied utilities to the region, despite Tuesday’s Kassam attack on the Zikim army base[that injured 69 Israeli soldiers], The Jerusalem Post has learned. Jerusalem Post

Israel Friends

Olmert indicates that attacking Hamas in Gaza will be playing into its hands. I guess sitting around and letting them lob rockets into Israel is not playing into their desire to kill Jews. Perhaps the 69 soldiers injured will receive sympathy from the Islamic animals who attacked them. Perhaps if Israel ignored the whining of the UN and those who complain about disproportional responses and just leveled the area where Hamas is located then there would be no problem. Perhaps Israel could just tell Hamas and the UN that if one more rocket comes across the border then Israel will attack with everything it has and will not stop until every living thing ceases to be there will be a cessation of hostility by the Islamic terrorists. If not Israel can carry out its promise and then dare anyone else to screw with them.

Then again…

The Israel Air Force jets that allegedly infiltrated Syrian airspace early last Thursday apparently bombed an Iranian arms shipment that was being transferred to Hizbullah, CNN reported Tuesday.

A ground operation may also have been part of the foray, according to the network. Neither Jerusalem nor Damascus have confirmed the report. But Damascus has denied the presence of any Israeli ground forces on its territory.Jerusalem Post

Mohammad da Bomb

Iran and Syria have been supplying the terrorists with arms despite their denials. They arm these filthy animal brothers and then when Israel bombs the hell out of them they cry like a sissy. Israel has had about enough especially when the UN sides with the terrorists and opposes anything Israel does. The UN has done nothing about the arms shipments so Israel took matters into its own hands. They bombed a shipment of arms and, of course, the first thing that Syria does is cry that their airspace was violated. I think Israel should go in there more often to ensure the arms are not getting into the hands of those who would use them against that country.

Perhaps there is hope after all…

Big Dog

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