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Remember, The Republicans Are The Racists

When Trent Lott made comments to a 100 year old Senator that the country could have avoided all these problems if Thrumond had been elected president in 1948 the left went nuts. There was no indication of what problems he meant or if he meant anything racist by it but the left went nuts. The Chicago Defender published this from Barack Obama on 12 December 2002:

“It seems to be that we can forgive a 100-year-old senator for some of the indiscretion of his youth, but, what is more difficult to forgive is the current president of the U.S. Senate (Lott) suggesting we had been better off if we had followed a segregationist path in this country after all of the battles and fights for civil rights and all the work that we still have to do,” said Obama.

He said: “The Republican Party itself has to drive out Trent Lott. If they have to stand for something, they have to stand up and say this is not the person we want representing our party.” [Highlighted text at source, unknown if it was in original]

Barack Obama was also very hard on Don Imus who, after his off color remark, kissed the ass of every black leader in the country begging for forgiveness. Imus was eventually fired, just like Al Sharpton and Barack Obama wanted.

There are racists in all political parties and there are people who are not racist but make remarks that are deemed offensive. Some are and some are merely blown out of proportion so the left can scream RAAAAAAACCCISSSSSSSST and keep black votes on the Democrat plantation. It also helps Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to stay in business as race baiting poverty pimps.

You can bet that Democrats who say racist things are treated just as badly from the enlightened left. There is NO tolerance for these kinds of people and they are made to pay when they say things that can be racist. Look at Joe Biden. He pulled an Archie Bunker and told us Obama was one of the good ones:

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” American Digest

Barack Obama made sure that Joe Biden was removed from his Senate Seat but only by selecting him to be his running mate. Hmmm, Obama went from it being difficult to forgive a guy who made statements that people assumed were racist to selecting a guy who made overtly racist remarks as his running mate. I guess having Joe Biden working around one of the good ones will help reeducate him…

OK Big Dog, Lott was the Senate Majority Leader and Biden just an aged Senator with a propensity for saying stupid things. If Biden had been the Senate Majority Leader then Obama would have found it hard to forgive him and would have called for his resignation.

When Barack Obama was running for the ofice he now holds Harry Reid (the SENATE MAJORITY LEADER) said this:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada described in private then-Sen. Barack Obama as “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” Obama is the nation’s first African-American president. Yahoo News

Harry Reid apologized for using such offensive language. Negro is such a politically incorrect word that people are up in arms that it is on the Census Form this year even though many blacks asked that it be included and negro is actually a race (technically, African American and Black are not races). Certainly Obama said this could not be forgiven and said that Democrats had to drive Reid from office. He had to have done that because he is post racial, the savior, a fair and even handed politician, one who never plays politics with race and one who demands equal treatment. I know Barack Obama is treating Harry Reid the same way he treated Trent Lott.

OK, just kidding, Obama forgave Reid. It took a matter of minutes for Obama to issue a statement saying he accepted Reid’s apology. It takes Obama months to actually arrive at decisions, a trait his defenders say shows contemplation and intellect and he forgives Reid in minutes. How come he did not deliberate over how it is difficult to accept the apology of a man who uses racist remarks? How come he did not say it is up to Democrats to force Reid from the party? Why did Mr. post racial not hold a member of his own party to the same standard he held the Republican Senate Majority Leader to? Better yet, why has Reid not stepped down? When Lott had his troubles Reid said he had no choice but to step down:

“He had no alternative,” said Reid at the time claiming, “If you tell ethnic jokes in the backroom, it’s that much easier to say ethnic things publicly. I’ve always practiced how I play.” NewsBusters

Of course racism is only a matter of convenience for Democrats. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson routinely engage in anti Semetic remarks and use racial epithets (he called Obama the N word…). They get away with it because they are liberals and liberals can’t be racists, only do-gooders. This is why Hillary was excused when she made a racist remark, why Biden was rewarded with the VP slot and why Reid’s apology was accepted. Democrats can’t be racists, they can only accuse others. Reid will not hold himself to the same standard he held Lott and neither will Obama.

Bill Clinton was hammered on the campaign trail as being racist. I wrote about it at the time and my feeling is if a Republican would be called racist then a Democrat must. Only this time it was other Democrats calling Clinton, their previous hero, a racist. Clinton went nuts because he does not believe himself to be a racist. However, he told Ted Kennedy that Kennedy should support Hillary for president and that “A few years ago, this guy [Obama] would have been getting us coffee.”

I am sure that could be spun a number of ways but it sounds racist and that is the standard that applies to Republicans. The report says Kennedy was angered by this but only because he supported Obama. If he had supported Hillary he would not care. Anger at racism, as has been shown by the above quotes, is situational for Democrats.

So the next time some liberal screams racism just point out these statements and the hypocrisy demonstrated by their side point to this post and tell them to clean their own house first.

The Reid and Clinton stories are from this book. It might be a real good read.

UPDATE: The Washington Times reports that Democrats are defending Harry Reid. That is expected but the funny thing is this part of the story:

Mrs. Feinstein also said that “I saw no Democrats jumping out there and condemning Senator Lott.”

But several Democrats — including Mrs. Feinstein — did in fact target Mr. Lott after his remarks. “This statement casts a dark shadow over Sen. Lott’s ability to be a credible party leader,” she said in 2002, according to an Inland Valley Daily Bulletin news story.

“I can tell you if a Democratic leader said such a thing, they would not be allowed to keep their position,” Sen. Mary Landrieu, Louisiana Democrat, said of Mr. Lott in 2002.

Sen. John Kerry also called on Mr. Lott to resign, saying “I simply do not believe the country can today afford to have someone who has made these statements again and again be the leader of the United States Senate,” according to a Boston Globe article.

Feinstein says that Democrats did not go after Lott when she was one of those who did. The 300 million dollar whore Landrieu says that if a Democrat said such a thing he could not keep his position and Kerry says that the country can not afford to have someone who makes these kinds of statements. Funny how that all changes when it is one of their own…

Big Dog


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