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Remember, Abortion is a Liberal Concoction

Legalized abortion is a concoction of the liberals in this country. They were the ones who fought to get it legalized and they are the ones that are constantly out in front on a woman’s right to choose to murder her unborn child. Certainly, there have been conservatives who have had abortions and to think otherwise would be insanity. However, conservative by and large oppose abortion and fight vehemently against it. Liberals believe that it is a woman’s right to choose. They also believe that people who are conservative are racists so why is it that Planned Parenthood, a liberal organization that fights any limit on abortion, has been caught accepting donations from people who want their money to be used to abort black children?

Planned Parenthood is a liberal organization. There can be no doubt about that. They espouse abortion on demand for anyone who wants one and they believe that children should be able to get abortions without parental consent or notification. Yet, this liberal organization has been shown to favor aborting black babes in order to gain money.

Planned Parenthood has apologized for their “mistake” but are they sorry for the idea or sorry they got caught? In any event, we once again see liberals as the real racists in this world. No conservative is out saying that we should end abortions, except for black babies. Conservatives want an end to ALL abortions and do not care what color the bay is.

We have seen the ugly head of racism here recently and it involves liberals. We have racist remarks by members of the Clinton team and racist remarks by associates of Barack Obama. Now we have word that Planned Parenthood is all about aborting blacks to get rid of them.

Perhaps blacks should start espousing more conservative values and move back to the Republican party. They would be a lot safer on the right.

Idaho Statesman
The Advocate

Big Dog