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Reality To Joe Klein, Where Are You On This Sedition?

Joe Klein of Time was on the Chris Matthews Show recently and stated that Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin used words that were close to seditious.

“I did a little bit of research just before this show – it’s on this little napkin here. I looked up the definition of sedition which is conduct or language inciting rebellion against the authority of the state. And a lot of these statements, especially the ones coming from people like Glenn Beck and to a certain extent Sarah Palin, rub right up close to being seditious.” News Busters

1. incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
2. any action, esp. in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.
3. Archaic. rebellious disorder.[/note]

Neither Klein nor any other liberal who writes definitions on cocktail napkins after downing their fifth martini can show in any way shape or form how either of these two (and for that matter, Rush Limbaugh who was later added) have used language that incites rebellion or where any of them have called for insurrection. Beck goes out of his way to discuss peaceful means to take back control of the country and neither Palin nor Limbaugh have called for any kind of rebellion against government.

However, Klein should take a look at this video of a UCLA professor who absolutely goes nuts about America. This nimrod discusses taking over America, moving us toward Socialism and extols the virtues of the great leader Fidel Castro. He also holds Hugo Chavez and Che Guevara, among others, in high regard.


This person is a member of La Raza and claims that the land he is standing on (I think in LA) is occupied Mexican territory. He discusses how he and others like him are revolutionaries and how they will take the place over.

This, Mr. Klein, is sedition. You might need more than five martinis to write it down on your napkin because it involves a person who you liberal morons perceive as part of the protected class here in America but make no mistake, this professor is an enemy of this country.

In fact, all of the people who believe as he does and who want to follow him in taking over America are our enemies.

This includes the racist organization La Raza. That organization and people like this professor should be charged with sedition. This guy and his followers are a danger to this country and should be sent back to where they came from. They should be stripped of their citizenship (assuming they are citizens) and sent packing.

This guy and his peeps might think they can waltz in and take the place over but we will not stand for this. Arizona has already made it difficult for those who have no respect for our country and the rest of us will be awaiting the Che following morons with dry powder.

The only revolution you guys will see is the one that kicks your rear ends out of this great nation.

So, to quote Sylvester Stallone in one of his Rocky Movies, Go for it.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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