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Raise the Limit so we can Spend Less!

The incredible political posturing continues at full-speed in the US Congress. Well, of course it does, that’s what they do. Keep that in mind when any elected politician talks — he’s a politician, and he’s not going to speak the truth. And that statement in itself is a sorry statement on the government of this country. But that is what it is, and I can do little more than point out the lies.

For example, what’s with the new trend of Republicans to demand decreases in spending in return for a higher debt limit? How does that make sense to anyone but a politician? If you’re going to spend LESS, then why do you need a higher borrowing limit? What are you going to do with that extra money you borrow, if you’re not SPENDING it?

Of course, here’s the dirty little “secret” that not one member of Congress wants you to know: the current, sitting members of Congress, the people there RIGHT NOW are 100% responsible for every single dollar spent. That’s without any exceptions. This current Congress will vote on a budget, and they get to decide what’s in that budget — NO ONE else.

So if they wanted the federal budget to be one dollar, THEY HAVE THE POWER TO DO THAT. If they want to budget to be 14 trillion dollars, they will do that.

Do not listen to any Congressman who puts the blame on anyone else for a single dollar in the budget. If the budget passed is 14.3 trillion dollars, it is ONLY because this Congress wants it to be so.


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