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Race Baiters Should Focus on This

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, the alleged clergy men who believe in civil rights, have made a fortune of portraying blacks as the downtrodden of society. Of course, this oppression comes at the hands of whites everywhere and their nefarious plot to discriminate every chance they get. I am not foolish enough to believe that there is no racism (from all colors) but I also know that every incident in this country is not racism. I also know that blacks are their own worst enemies and their actions are causing a great deal of problems within their communities.

A recent study shows that nearly half of the murder victims in the US are black even though blacks make up 13% of the population. 93% of the blacks who were murdered were murdered by other blacks. Black on black crime is a problem in this country and it is becoming a real issue for the survival of the black race in America. The high murder rate involves a great number of men in their early teens to mid twenties. This high murder rate is removing the young population and reducing the number of men available for black women to marry and have children with. It is no wonder that more black women are dating other than black males because there are simply fewer and fewer of them to date.

This is the kind of crisis that Jackson and Sharpton need to focus on. They need to stop extorting money from companies by playing the oppression card and they need to get back into the black community and encourage old fashioned values. They need to stop listening to liberals who have removed the need for a father by using welfare programs to replace the male in black families with government dollars designed to keep blacks on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale. The race baiters need to stop pointing fingers outward and starting looking within for solutions.

Hispanics have replaced blacks as the second largest demographic in America (the Hispanics are coming in ILLEGALLY and have not killed enough of each other) and this trend will only continue with a larger gap so long as black men keep killing each other off. This will continue to be a problem so long as so called black leaders continue to carp about the number of minorities killed in Iraq and ignore the much larger number of them killing each other right here on the streets of America.

Instead of lip service from the race baiters, it would be nice to see them tackle the problems that really plague the black community.

Big Dog
