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Push For Maximum Penalties On Wall Street Occupiers

The Wall Street Protesters are part of the mob from the left. The mob was formed as part of an astro-turf effort of George Soros groups and labor unions. It is comprised of ill informed people who think that they are entitled to the wealth of others. It is comprised of people who are protesting against the people who pay the most in taxes in this country and who provide the jobs. It is comprised of people who are breaking the law by committing acts of violence, vandalism, and obstruction.

A lot of these people have been arrested and charged with one offense or another. Some of the protesters have had their charges dropped as part of the review process and others are awaiting their day in court.

As part of the civil unrest and disobedience the protesters who were arrested are now committing extortion. They are telling the courts to drop the charges against all protesters OR they will clog the court system. According to the lawyers representing the mob members who have been arrested, if the charges are not dropped then they will be marching in the courtrooms “en masse” starting on 15 November when 60 of the miscreants are scheduled to appear.

These folks are claiming that they will all demand a trial by jury and will overload the court system.

Perhaps, but the Manhattan District Attorney says the system can handle the additional load.

The courts cannot be badgered by the members of this flash mob. It must put its foot down and not bow to extortion.

The courts need to inform the people who have been arrested that their charges will NOT be dropped and if they demand a trial by jury the DA will seek the maximum penalty for anyone a jury finds guilty. This means that any crime that could have a prison sentence WILL have a prison sentence. There will be no deals, no lowered fines, suspended sentences, probation or leniency for anyone convicted by a jury. They will receive the maximum penalty allowed by law.

The people who want to clog up the system need to know that they will be taking a chance on heavy fines or jail time if their gamble does not go their way. They need to know that they will be drawing from a jury pool in the area and those jurors are the ones who see the littering and have been impeded on their way to work. These cretins need to know that the jury they get might not be sympathetic to their cause and they might end up heavily fined or in jail.

Let’s see how committed they are to their cause when they are confronted with the reality of a heavy fine or jail term.

New York Daily News

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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