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Public Education At The Sharpton Rally

Amercan Dream

Al Sharpton is still smarting from the humiliation he suffered this weekend. This racist pathological liar smeared Glenn Beck and the people who attended the Restoring Honor Rally as a bunch of racists.

The Sharpton morons had a picture of MLK and Glenn Beck with the word Dream pointing at MLK and the word Nightmare pointing at Beck. The nightmare was the for Sharpton who had to realize his mojo is no longer any good. Sharpton is decidedly bitter because of his inability to rally the troops while Beck gathered over half a million people to the mall, people who were peaceful and non violent. There were probably more people of color at the Restoring Honor Rally than at the Sharpton take back the dream rally (or whatever this moron called it).

Sharpton was supported by a mostly black crowd and labor union members who carried signs like the one pictured in this post. Take a look at it and see if you can find the problem.

These folks are a product of the public school system. I have no doubt that there were plenty of people at the Beck event who can’t spell but I bet they would have checked the work before taking it out in public.

Then again, maybe this is not so surprising. After all, it is union work…

Cave Canem
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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