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Pope Has It All Wrong

In an interview, the Pope said that the youth of France has sent a message. He said that there needed to be more done about economic conditions and social integration. The riots started after two youngsters accidentally died while running from the police. Then all hell broke loose and there were riots across the country. I think the message was clear. The youth of France who are running from the police think it is OK to break the law and damage other people’s property because of self inflicted stupidity.

Pope BenedictEarlier reports that I read said that both of the youths were Muslims. Strangely, there is no mention of that little fact in the article.

Pope, you are a holy man and you know that breaking the law is not right. By saying that lawbreakers are sending a message you have given credibility to the very people who broke those laws. Perhaps if the French had sent a message and started shooting rioters when the trouble began it would have ended much more quickly.

Read it here.

Photo from the article (Reuters)