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Poll Numbers Tell The Tale

The Pretender King’s numbers are coming in- I mean the polls are taken hourly, like a critical patient’s pulse, and the pulse is getting weaker all the time. Good. This is why the Resident wants to push bills through fast, constantly breaking his pledge of “transparency” with all the recidivism of a serial child- molester unable to control his urges.

Not that I can blame him, as distasteful as his bills are, not to mention deceitful to the American people. I mean, if he wanted to (and he should have), he could have settled the economy much sooner, and indeed, it can, and should be argued that he should not have done anything else until that little niggling problem was fixed.

After all, as the Ford Motor Company used to say, That was Job One. And it has become a job he has failed at- I say that with complete confidence that I am right, because only in a Hussein- World could you lose 247,000 jobs in a month and claim a victory because the “unemployment” figures falsely show a .1% “improvement”. This is because of all the people who have quit looking for jobs, and thus are not counted in the numbers.

Mr. Walker, who as president of the nonpartisan Peter G. Peterson Foundation since 2008 has spearheaded an effort to raise public awareness about the country’s long-term fiscal problems, said that the American people are “ahead of their elected officials” in understanding the need to rein in spending before expanding health care coverage.

“They get it,” he said. “Costs are out of control, and they threaten the future of this country. And you cannot reduce cost by expanding coverage. That’s an oxymoron.”


Oh yeah, we get it. The American people are not as dumb as the Liberal Left would like to hope. They were counting on the Silent Majority staying compliant and focused on their flat- screen TVs. Sadly for the socialist left, this is not to be.

A majority, 57 percent, said health care reform should be abandoned if it will “significantly” add to the deficit. Mr. Obama has promised that any reform will not add to the budget imbalance, but 72 percent of the registered voters surveyed by Quinnipiac said they did not think Mr. Obama would be able to deliver on that vow.

A National Public Radio poll of 850 likely voters in late July showed that 48 percent thought the president’s policies have increased the federal deficit and done little to slow job loss, while 45 percent said Mr. Obama has blunted the recession and set a foundation for recovery. The poll also showed 47 percent opposition to the Obama health care reforms in Congress, with 42 percent support

The polls are growing against the Resident and his power- grab policies. While I think a solid majority of people can say that there could be improvement in the Healthcare industry, there is no need to dismantle the whole show, especially if it adds to the debt without fixing the economy first. Many people do not know that there is a provision in HR 3200, in which the government is authorized to reach into your bank account electronically to pay for the  “Healthcare”. That sounds overly intrusive to me, but I am just that way, I guess.

A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll of 1,011 adults on July 30 showed that 42 percent thought the current health care reforms were a bad idea, while 36 percent thought them a good idea. More surprisingly, Republicans in Congress were more trusted to fix the budget deficit by a 31 percent to 25 percent margin, a drastic turnaround from January, when Democrats held the edge by a margin of 42 percent to 20 percent.


How strange- Republicans are more trusted when it comes to money- duh! Perhaps because the Liberals in government have shown that they neither know the value of the money they have been entrusted with, nor value the trust they had from the American people. Ignorant on both counts, and snobbish to boot. Not a good attitude.

So they call the people in the Town Halls “Unpatriotic”, and “Nazis”- way to go, Botox Betty. Think you can alienate some more people? Quite possibly, as it is my opinion that the Botox is affecting her brain. How else to explain her behavior?

“What’s going on is there is increasing concern, which in some cases has turned to outrage, with how far out of touch and out of control Washington has become,” Mr. Walker said.

Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, also noted that polling was a problem for the Democrats’ attempts to delegitimize their opposition.

“If the polls were showing 80 percent support for Obama’s health care plan, if the polls were showing increasing support for Obama personally, then you could say, ‘Hey where are these people coming from?’ ” Mr. Norquist said. “But every poll shows that support for his plan or what they’re talking about doing on health care is plummeting, personal support for Obama is plummeting.”

Yes, the polls are sliding down, but will this , combined with the town hall meetings be enough to begin to turn the tide, or will the liberal left cram this bill through Congress despite the will of the American people? This problem remains on the cusp at this moment.

A lot will depend on how the town halls go. Even in dissent, we must get the message across that this smells to high heaven, and must be changed. We must do this respectfully, however, and leave the thuggery to the union goons that Pelosi has called on to man the chairs in the halls, to minimize the criticism. Give these goons a chance, and they will show their true colors.

That alone can and should turn the tide irrevocably in the proper direction.

And that direction is towards Freedom of Choice.


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