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Poetic Justice As Cock Fights Back

A California man, 35-year-old Jose Luis Ochoa, died after sustaining an injury at a cockfight. Ochoa was stabbed in the calf by a bird that had a knife attached to one of its limbs. Ochoa was pronounced dead, probably from loss of blood. Medical personnel say it is unclear if the delay in treatment contributed to his death.

I wonder if this guy was here legally? Regardless, he was engaged in a sport that pits animals against each other in a fight, often to the death. Ochoa was stabbed by one of the animals he and others were being cruel to.

This is poetic justice and it is obvious that no one wanted to get him help because of what they were doing. If he had been engaged in something legal then those in attendance might have helped him.

I bet Michael Vick is happy he just got jail time…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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