Podcast Of Last Night’s Show

This is the podcast of last night’s show. You can either listen to it here or download it.

I hope you enjoyed the show and I welcome your comments.

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3 Responses to “Podcast Of Last Night’s Show”

  1. Rosemary says:

    Awesome! I know someone famous! hehehe.

  2. Rosemary says:

    I love it! You sound wonderful. You have a beautiful voice-er-handsome voice. lol. The content was good, even keel, but I do have one critisism. STOP saying Saddam did not have WMD!

    We took 500 TONS of EnRiched URANIUM out of there in the beginning. There is also a report which, for some odd reason, President Bush didn’t want to reveal. Actually, it was what’s-his-face at the DIA-oh yeah, Negraponte.

    Where was I? lol. http://www.ctc.usma.edu/harmony_docs.asp. Hope this helps. 😉

  3. Big Dog says:

    Rosemary, I believe if you listen again I said that this was a reason the left refused to support the war. They indicate that there were no WMD and they were lied into the war. I myself have made no such claim. I acknowledge that no WMD were found on the sacle we thought (some were but not the amount that was there) but I have also posted a number of times on the WMD being moved to Syria. In my first show I actually discussed this and talked about the words of people who were there.

    I know Hussein had WMD but the fact is we have not found the quantity that we expected because they were moved.