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Phony Racism Charges; The Democrat Weapon

There was a fable about a boy who cried wolf when there was no wolf. One day a wolf appeared and when he cried wolf no one came because they figured it was just another phony report of a wolf. This is how the left has abused the accusations of racism. It has screamed racist so many times when no racism existed that the claims are often ignored.

The NAALCP passed a resolution condemning racism within the TEA Party and called for the TEA Party to purge its ranks of the racists. After the NAALCP issued that statement, Andrew Breitbart posted a portion of a video showing a woman, Shirley Sherrod, making statements describing her own racist views. The entire video (which Breitbart did not have but the NAALCP did) shows that Sherrod had an epiphany and discovered that it was about helping the poor and not the color of a person’s skin.

Breitbart claims that the issue was never about Sherrod. He says, and it is true, that while she is describing here racism toward a white farmer the audience is laughing, cheering and agreeing with her treatment of the white guy. Her epiphany is revealed after this. Breibart says it was about people, members of the NAALCP, agreeing with and laughing about her description of the racism she engaged in. He says that shows that there are those who agreed with the racist view once held by Sherrod at a time when the NAALCP was passing a resolution to paint the TEA Party as racists.

Sherrod became a victim of the NAALCP and the Obama regime. The NAALCP had the entire video and did not look at it before condemning Sherrod. The Obama regime asked for her resignation before getting the entire story from her because it was worried that the video would be splashed all over Glenn Beck. Beck defended her and said she should receive an apology and her job back. The funny thing is, the left will label him the villain in this and not the NAALCP or the Obama regime.

The NAALCP investigated further and issued a retraction in which it states it was “snookered” by FOX News and a TEA Party activist. FOX News did not air the story until well after Sherrod had been forced to resign and had nothing to do with the issue other than posting the video. But FOX needs to be the villain as does the TEA Party.

This is important because Democrats want to hold onto power and they need to fuel the fire with claims of racism in order to do that. Racism is no longer a word used to describe people who treat people differently based on race. It is used by the left as a political weapon in order to get and keep power. The word racist is now nothing more than a political weapon that is used with the particular purpose of smearing people who are not racists. Look at the news of the Journolist forum. The weapon of choice to counter the Jeremiah Wright racism (the real kind, not the phony Democrat kind) was to pick a conservative who opposed Obama and call that person a racist. You read that right; journalists were working to assist a candidate by concocting schemes to falsely accuse people of being racists.

This is the whole purpose behind the NAALCP resolution. The TEA Party is not racist and has no more or no fewer racists in its population than any other segment of the population including the NAALCP (with the possible exception of the NBPP which has more racists than any segment). But the NAALCP, as an arm of the Democrat party, needed to assist the the party in the upcoming election and it did so by falsely making the claim of racism.


Think I am wrong? Then let me quote for you the words of Democrat and Liberal Mary Frances Berry:

Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one’s opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness. [emphasis mine] Politico

Take a close look at her statement. Tainting the TEA Party as racists is proving to be an effective strategy. She is admitting that the left is using the cries of racism as a political tool, just as the Journolist members decided to do. Berry admits that the TEA Party members are no more racist than any other group of Americans but that calling them racists is a good strategy because it gets them to purge their ranks and makes candidates distance themselves which Berry says will help Democrats in November. It is all about winning an election.

Berry further states that it is better to have one’s opponents rebut charges of racism (phony charges of racism) than discussing joblessness. You got it folks? It is better to make phony accusations of racism and have opponents chasing those around rather than discussing the weaknesses that might cost you an election.

This statement also helps to explain why black members of Congress made claims of racism when walking through a TEA Party crowd. It was part of the playbook. They never figured their claims would be disproven. No one called them the N word or spat upon them. They made it up as part of the strategy being used by Democrats. Just ask Mary Frances Berry.

It also helps explain why George Soros edited clips of TEA Party events to show a person spouting racist things. The edit left out the part where the TEA Party members tell the guy he does not represent them and he does not belong there. They go after him and do not tolerate what he says and he eventually leaves. Soros could not show that part because it would not fit in the Democrat strategy of making phony claims of racism. Again, ask Mary Frances Berry.

Does anyone wonder why most cries of racism (except for extreme or obvious cases) fall on deaf ears? The NAACLP has lost its relevance and it is using phony cries of racism to falsely paint the TEA Party as a bunch of racists. Ms. Berry admits that this is the game plan and that it is working.

This is their playbook and we should not get sucked into the game. Ignore their phony cries of racism and do not waste time defending against these phony claims. If confronted with the charge of racism simply state it is a Democrat strategy to make false allegations of racism and that this particular case is one of those false allegations and then move on. Do not allow the race baiters to seize the initiative on this issue.

This has been a long time coming. Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAALCP, and the rest of the race hustlers have invented racism and racist charges for years. They have fabricated charges of racism in events where it did not occur for the benefit of the Democrat party. Remember Ms. Berry’s words and you will see that this has been an effective strategy for a long time.

True racism is ugly and should not be tolerated. It is not only immoral but is illogical as well and it should never be tolerated.

But the charge of racism, like the charge of rape, should never be made casually and without merit. It should certainly never be made as part of a political strategy. Doing so waters down the severity of actual racism and removes any credibility those asserting the falsehoods might have had on the issue.

It also minimizes the struggle and sacrifices of those who fought for equal rights and it dishonors the memories of those who gave everything in order to rid the country of the inequalities of racism.

And like that boy who cried wolf, it turns deaf the ears of people who might otherwise care.

Then the question becomes, if you care so little about racism that you will falsely claim it as part of a political strategy, why should anyone else care about allegations of racism, even if they are true?

Democrats think so little of the black community that they will use racism as a tool and thereby minimize the history of racism and the struggle for equality in this country.

The sad thing is many blacks, like the NAALCP and Ms. Berry will go along with the plan and express happiness at the perceived success.

It is November or never.

Daily Motion

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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