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Pension Spending

Oh, this should be good. The article linked talks about the $2 trillion (that’s $2,000,000,000,000.00) shortfall in pension funding. That is money that states have promised to give to state employees. Remember now, the states are out of money. They have simply spent it all. So, what are they going to do? What’s the most likely plan?

The very unfortunate consequence is that various safety nets for the most vulnerable citizens will be cut back.

So this is the Democrat Party, saying that they’re going to reduce funding for social issues so they can pay pensions. Oh, did you notice this was New Jersey? The place where huge numbers of public “servants” get 6-digit pensions? Tell me again how the Democrat Party is for the “little guy.” Oh, and try and tell me in a way that’s at least partly serious while paying retired bureaucrats $100+K and shorting medicaid.


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