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Pelosi Is Worried About Bloodshed

The Democrats are losing the battle on health care take over and their agenda is falling apart. They have resorted to using the race card for every person who opposes any of their plans because any of us who oppose what Obama wants to do must be a racist. What were we when we opposed what Clinton wanted to do? He was, after all, the first black president.

Nancy Pelosi is now kicking into high gear and she is using her emotions and scare tactics (what did Obama say about that) to influence the public. Now she is worried about bloodshed because of the nasty rhetoric:

“I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw … I saw this myself in the late ’70s in San Francisco,” Pelosi said, choking up and with tears forming in her eyes. “This kind of rhetoric is just, is really frightening and it created a climate in which we, violence took place and … I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made.” Real Clear Politics

It was reported that she was talking about the incidents leading up to the murder of Harvey Milk.

Look at how Pelosi has portrayed peaceful people. These demonstrations against the government and its plans to take over our lives have been peaceful, for the most part. The violence has been perpetrated by the goons and thugs that Obama enlisted to quash dissent. His buddies in the SEIU beat people up. People on the right were not starting fights, his thugs were. The conservatives started carrying guns to the events and the violence stopped. Of course, the MSM focused on the gun “nuts” and not the reason they had to carry them (though many were just doing what they do every day). I don’t know of any anti government protester who bit off someone’s finger.

I did not hear Pelosi discuss the potential bloodshed when the anti war protesters were using language that was much more intense than that used by the protesters on the right. I never heard her discuss the potential bloodshed when Code Pinko and the others were carrying signs that indicated that George Bush should be hanged, or that they supported the troops when they shot their officers. Those were incitements to violence and Pelosi was quiet.

Pelosi is using dishonesty and emotion to change public opinion. The people protesting could certainly turn violent, as any group of people could, but they have demonstrated, thus far, that they are not interested in physical altercations. However, we fought one revolution over what this government is doing to us so it is not hard to believe that another one would happen. I would prefer a peaceful one where we just vote all the scum out of office. We are a long way from violence and assassinations and for Pelosi to assert that is nothing more than fear mongering.

The whole idea of violence because of the protests against the gays in San Francisco leading to Milk’s death is wrong. Milk and Mayor Moscone were killed by a man who wanted his job back, was initially told he would get it and then was told that they wanted someone else who was more in line with the ethnic diversity of the area. Dan White shot them because he did not get his job back (he had resigned from it) and his violence had nothing to do with the protests that Pelosi is discussing.

This is what we are up against. Pelosi is a moron who needs to be voted out of office in the next election. If the people of her district put her back in office it needs to be as part of the minority party.

Folks, if you want a better government you cannot keep voting the same people back in office. They are a bunch of corrupt, self-serving, leeches who care little about what you, the people they represent, want.

Washington Post
Wikipedia (Milk)

UPDATE: Isn’t it interesting that after spending all of August calling protesters un-American and belittling them, Pelosi is now worried that talk will lead to violence?

Big Dog

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