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Pelosi Is Planning A Party

I bet it is not a TEA Party!

Nancy Pelosi is clueless. She bears a great deal of responsibility for the total beat down her party took in the last election. I know the apologizers will claim it was about anti incumbency and in a small way that is true. Most parties in power lose seats in the midterm (Bush gained in his first) but the scope of this beat down is historic. Not only did the Democrats lose more than 60 House seats and about 6 Senate seats, they lost over 600 seats in state and local elections. They lost the State House in many key states.

This was a complete repudiation of the way the Democrats drove the economy into the ditch since they took control in 2007. Up to that time the numbers were pretty good with low unemployment and low inflation. Since they have been in charge they have wrecked things and we are seeing the increase in prices that is showing before we hit massive inflation.

Given all this one would think that Democrats, and Pelosi in particular, would get the message. And if you are wondering, it is not that it was not sold the right way, it is that the polices were bad. Democrats wrecked things and it was time for change we could really believe in.

But Pelosi did not get the memo. The Botox must have numbed her brain. She is having a party:

Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the United States House of Representatives requests the pleasure of your company at a reception honoring the Accomplishments of the 111th Congress on Wednesday, the tenth day of November, two thousand ten at three thirty in the afternoon Cannon Caucus Room 345 Cannon House Office Building. Drudge

I wonder if that party will celebrate the accomplishment of losing more House seats in over 60 years or losing more state and local seats in at least that long or if they will celebrate the stupid things they did that led up to that historic defeat.

Pelosi was an effective Speaker. Her job was to push Obama’s agenda and that she did. She bribed, beat, and harassed people into doing what she wanted while they were being assured they would be rewarded for their stances on tough legislation that the people wanted.

Seems to me if they had actually spent time doing the people’s business and leaving the private sector alone the economy would have rebounded (like it is in other places) and more of them might not be adding to the unemployment numbers.

Ah yes, it is strange what Democrats tout as success…

If being slaughtered is success to them please keep them from running our military. To them General Custer was successful…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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