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Pelosi Is One Reason We Are In Trouble

Nancy Pelosi is a shrewd politician but she is as dumb as a box of rocks. Her entire existence revolves around getting reelected and staying in power so she can institute Socialist programs. She lies constantly in order to push her agenda.

Remember, it was Pelosi who claimed TEA Party members (and others dissenting) were not patriotic and were violent. She had heard the rhetoric before and it was dangerous. Of course, the violence has come from the left and the stuff she heard before with the violence was liberal on liberal violence where Harvey Milk was killed over a political dispute among politicians.

The other problem with Pelosi is that she has no concept of what it is to run a balanced budget. She has no concept of how the economy works. She has no concept in what it means to make payroll, to produce profit, to provide for employees or to combat government intrusiveness as most business people do. This is evident in her latest bout of moronitis.

Nancy Pelosi said that unemployment checks are the fastest way to create jobs. Pelosi said this about unemployment; “It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name.”

Only a moron would tell you that unemployment checks are the fastest way to create jobs. First of all, unemployment is paid out of taxpayer money and money paid in by employers. If people are receiving this money and spending it they are just redistributing taxpayer money from one pair of hands to another. Any sales tax collected will never reach the level of the taxes paid to fund unemployment.

Besides, when people on unemployment spend money in casinos and strip clubs, how many jobs are created and how is this activity needed in any way?

It is also well known that you get more of what you subsidize. If you pay people to be on unemployment then more people will be on unemployment. There are jobs being offered right now that pay $12 an hour and people are not applying because they get more on unemployment. Pelosi would have you believe that paying people to do absolutely nothing will motivate them to actually do something. As long as unemployment benefits (and the term benefit is misleading at best) are continually extended there is no incentive for people to get a job. If those benefits had an end date then people would be forced to find a job. By continually extending the end date the motivation to find a job is diminished.

Pelosi is a moron who does not understand this concept.

She is also working against what reasonable people can see. If unemployment is the fastest way to create jobs then why, after extension of benefits up to 99 weeks (nearly TWO YEARS), has unemployment not been fixed. If it is a way to create jobs then why are we losing jobs each month? Why is the unemployment rate hovering around 10% and why did we lose 125,000 jobs in June. Keep in mind that the unemployment rate would be much higher but the number of people who have quit looking and reportedly dropped out of the labor market has increased which means that there are fewer people looking for jobs so they are not counted in the numbers.

I wonder if they are receiving unemployment checks. We should be counting each and every person getting an unemployment check in the numbers even if they have stopped looking for work (I thought Pelosi said the checks would create employment).

If unemployment checks are the fastest way to create jobs then why has the Obama regime missed its job creation goals and why has Joe Biden been forced to eat his words about how many jobs would be created?

And perhaps the biggest question of all is, if unemployment benefits are the fastest way to create jobs why have we not seen massive numbers of jobs created? Millions of people are on unemployment and it has been a few years since this all started so we should see all these jobs that Pelosi says unemployment checks create.

No, it will not happen because unemployment will NOT create jobs. Spending taxpayer money will NOT create jobs. Government does not create private sector jobs which are the only jobs that will increase tax revenues (public sector jobs are paid for with taxes so they do not help anything).

If we want to create jobs and get people off unemployment then we need to decrease taxes and decrease government involvement in the private sector. We need to give certainty to the business world that it will not be punished when hiring employees. Government has failed to do this. It punishes businesses based on numbers of employees (if you have more than 50 employees you must provide this or that to them) and those things keep businesses from hiring people. Why hire 51 people and have to pay when you can make do with 50 and not pay?

Government is the problem, not the solution. And it continues to be the problem because it is imposing one rule after another and those rules are stifling the creation of jobs. Businesses are worried about the cost of cap and trade, health care takeover and the tax increases that will hit 1 January 2011. These will potentially cost money and businesses are not going to hire people when these business killing items are out there posing a real threat.

Government programs like these and unemployment are job killing measures.

Despite what that moron Nancy Pelosi says, unemployment checks do NOT create employment.

She cannot show this to be true because it is not. Once again, she is lying to people for political purposes.

But I have to wonder, if this is such an important issue (and if they are willing to compromise), why did Democrats go on their week long 4th of July vacation (they come back the 12th) without passing the measure to increase unemployment?

They refused a Republican compromise that would have required them to pay for at least some of the extended benefits (Democrats promised Pay Go meaning they would pay for everything they passed) and went on vacation instead.

Voters should remember this in November. Help Pelosi by putting lots and lots of Congress critters on unemployment.

Remember, she said it is the fastest way to create jobs.


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Big Dog Salute to WT and Breitbart.