Pelosi: Iraq is a Failure

Squeaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, said that Iraq was a failure and that the surge has not produced the desired effects. Pelosi made certain to praise the troops while attempting to disparage a strategy that is working albeit not as quickly as we might like. The ground game is much better, fewer of our troops are dying there than citizens are on American streets and here we are not engaged in a “civil war.”

It is amazing to me that Pelosi and her brood insist on telling the Iraqis at what speed they need to move and how they should be progressing when our own Congress is off more days than it works, accomplishes little, and has divided the country. I see Pelosi’s remarks as nothing more than empty rhetoric designed to inject the Iraq war into the presidential campaign in a fashion that does not openly demonstrate the left’s hate of our military. Pelosi wants Iraq to be a failure because it will help her party with power and she cannot really show failure without making it all up.

Iraq is moving along slowly. Our country took a long time to establish as did those Japan and part of Europe after WW II. These things do not happen overnight but with little mention of the war lately (because it has been good) the Democrats need to ramp up the negativity so they can try to win more seats and the presidency. They want it to be bad because what is good for the country is bad for the Democrats and they cannot have that. Pelosi joins fellow Democrat (and fellow idiot) Harry Reid in declaring failure. If only Democrats would fight our enemies as hard as they fight to win and keep office, we would win and win quickly. It gets difficult to fight the enemy over there and the enemy here at the same time.

Pelosi also said that Afghanistan was not settled because President Bush took his eye off the ball. This is one of their canned phrases and it is one that rings hollow. Bill Clinton is the one who took his eye off the ball. He created the atmosphere that allowed us to be attacked because he failed to respond to force with force. He allowed bin Laden to live on at least three occasions. He and his toadies deny this but many in the know have attested to it as true. Perhaps this is what Sandy Burglar stole form the National Archives, information showing Clinton took his eye off bin Laden. Actually, he allowed bin Laden to escape.

This is because Bill Clinton could not pull the trigger. He would not give the order to shoot. Clinton has a nasty history of not completing tasks (think blue dress) and his inaction allowed our enemies to attack us. There are many on the left who deny this but there is too much evidence to ignore it and bin Laden himself said that Clinton’s weakness in Somalia is why he attacked us, thank you very much.

Pelosi is a partisan hack who has no idea whatsoever as to what is taking place in Iraq. Pelosi visits with our enemies instead of our troops so she has no idea what is taking place. Not that she would take the word of our troops over the word of our enemies anyway.

I said it before and I will say it again. It is too bad the Capitol was not hit on 9/11. By sparing that building and the people in it, they were able to become complacent with regard to our security. If many of them had died then we would be having a different discussion. The wrong people died on 9/11.

Screw Nancy Pelosi. She is a troop hating, liberal twit who could not lead a group of people out of a burning building. She will certainly rot in hell, hopefully sooner than later.

The Politico

Big Dog

I wonder if Pelosi told these guys about our failure?

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5 Responses to “Pelosi: Iraq is a Failure”

  1. David M says:

    Actually Pelosi is correct..Iraq has been an utter failure for the Democratic Party, where they hoped for failure they saw success.

  2. […] analysis here: The Captain’s Journal | lgf | Big Dogs Weblog | Hot Air | Liberty Pundit | Related PostsHarry Reid still sore about the Surge.TNR dares to […]

  3. David M says:

    The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 02/11/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.

  4. Schatzee says:

    Blue dress – too funny. I like that one.

  5. […] over policy (Iraq), where the centrists rapidly pretended to capitulate and studiously ignored successes on the ground (if we didn’t need to spread democracy and only needed to kill Al Qaeda, well, in Iraq, it […]