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Pelosi; Elections Should Only Matter When Democrats Win

Nancy Pelosi is a dyed in the wool liberal who is very rich and believes it is her duty to take the money from others and give it to those who are less well off. It is in her blood as it is in the blood of all liberals. They never met a tax they didn’t hike.

When her party won control of Congress and she was made Speaker of the House we were told that the American people had spoken and that this was a rejection of the Bush policies and mismanagement by Republicans. She and her Democrats had a mandate because elections matter.

Obama won in 2008 and one of his first retorts was that things are being done his way because he won. He made that clear to John McCain as well at a meeting when he told McCain, the election is over. Obama believed he had a mandate and that the election mattered.

Now that the Democrats took a historic beating Pelosi has a different tune. She told an audience that elections should not matter as much as they do.

…Because there are so many things at risk right now — perhaps in another question I’ll go into them, if you want. But the fact is that elections shouldn’t matter as much as they do…But when it comes to a place where there doesn’t seem to be shared values then that can be problematic for the country, as I think you can see right now. The Weekly Standard [emphasis mine]

Sorry to say that elections do matter as many liberals reminded us on a daily basis as we complained more and more about the Socialist agenda of Obama and the Democrats. They matter and he won, we were told.

So why the change of heart? It is because Pelosi and her cohorts see our Constitution and form of government as an impediment to what they want to do to our country. These roadblocks prevent them from doing things that most folks do not want or appreciate. One needs only look at Obamacare to see how the Democrats rammed it down our throats despite overwhelming opposition.

The idea that the will of the people (which after all, is what elections express) should not matter as much as it does is a scary thing to hear from an American politician. When the will of the people is ignored or trivialized countries end up with people like Chavez, Hitler and Il in charge.

These are the kinds of words one expects to hear from dictators.

Then again, they are also the kinds of words one hears before getting one…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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