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Pelosi 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his second begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish (unless aborted), but have everlasting Hope and Change. Pelosi 3:16

It is interesting that the Obama folks all go bonkers when John McCain airs ads calling him “The One” and equating him to characters of Biblical proportion. The reason it is interesting is because the Democratic party does everything it can to make Obama look like he was sent here by God to fix the Earth. To listen to the Democrats (both the elected and the moonbats who support them) one would think that Obama was the second coming of Jesus Christ. Nancy Pelosi did nothing to change the perception of Obama as the one when she stated that God sent him to us:

He was warmly received by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who called him “a leader that God has blessed us with at this time.” [emphasis mine]Politico

Wow, a Democrat invoking the name of God in politics. Try that in a public school and see what happens. How disturbing is it that the Speaker of the House actually said that God has blessed us with Obama? The Democrats who think Obama is the messiah should be happy that they were not in power when Barry was born. If Roe v Wade had happened two decades earlier Obambi might have ended up as a blob of cells on a platter. If a guy like him had been in office he could have been killed even after he was born.

But I digress. I am having a hard time understanding the Democrat’s ire at McCain’s portrayal of Obama when the Democrats look at him in the same light in which he was portrayed in the McCain ad.

This past week Americans were fixated on Michael Phelps and his history making feat of winning eight gold medals in the Olympics. As impressive as that was, in order to be at Obama level Phelps would have also needed to receive frankincense and myrrh.

If Obama is a gift from God then we must have really ticked him off. Bring us locusts, grasshoppers and black sores anytime. Those plagues would have to be better than the plague of Socialism Barry will inflict upon us.

Big Dog